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Lamping last night

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My son and i went over to the campuswhere i work to shoot some tame rabbits as bobo calls them,when we got there we logged in and phoned the police and got our number .After we got the first few it started to drizzle and i thought hear we go this is finished it as rabbits dont like getting wet ,but although sport was slow we where tallying them up .And then we got a dry spell and the sport was fast and furious ,then in the wee hours the rain started again and i'd had enough .We where out from 10.30pm till 04 .30 am for 71 rabbits soaked through but they will feed the ferrets for a while

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I,ve loads of picts of dead rabbits in the back garden but none of last night i was in a hurry to get them in the frezzer and into bed


dead rabbits in your bed. :icon_eek: ................lol


sounds like it was worth getting wet??


nice one the one!!!!!


all the best



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Well done thats a good bag :victory: I was out last night with Chester and Gers we all got soaked through, the rain was fairly pelting down but we had a good night, not quite as big a bag as yours, but enough to fill the freezer :victory:

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Its a uni campus and when the students aren't here we give the rabbits a good going over ,we can drive round 3/4 of the campus its a good 460 acres .Bobo slates me for shooting tame rabbits as there used to seeing students walking about every day you can drive right up to them and that's nearly true as that 485 wev'e had off the campus since april .But they all go for ferret food as ive a dozen ferrets so nothings wasted

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