LDR 29 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 now i can somtimes be marks bigest critic , but it usualy me pulling him up for somthing he has said , or embelshied the truth slightly . but come on fares fare , pulling a dog up because its retrive is less than pefect , is a bit low. or becuse there's the odd doubled up slip. i have two dogs here both trained the same way , the saluki x her retrive is spot on , , but the kelpie cross tends to be less than perfect , she comes back with the bunny alive but will stop a few yards short. so come on lads how many of you have dogs with text book retrives, or havent sliped two at once, keep the vids coming mark , but use more light Tomo mate i think the lack of entries to the comp show what faith people have in their dogs abilities.............. at least mark has the balls to be in it, unlike the majority of this site!!! i guess all will be shown this season............cant wait till its underway and we'll get an influx of people who would've entered......... so because myself and people like me dont want to travell hundereds of miles up to the north east of england to run my dog on some silly rabbitts in a chest puffing lamping competition then we have no faith in our dogs abilities ??? UUMMM have you ever thought that perhaps we couldnt give a monkeys feck what other people think about our dogs !!!!!! i KNOW what my bitch is and isnt capable of and i dont need a silly little competition to show me that ............ Touchy touchy socks!!!!!! I know you wouldn't be interested in a chest puffing lamping competition........... you save that for the all the weight training threads....... ...... dont be so put down mate.........rabbits are the staple of most running dogs.......... i know rabbits are thats what my dog is bread to hunt .... but why would i want to travell hundereds of miles up to the shit hole of britain to run my dog on easy northern rabbitts when she can be tested far more on the very hard and undulating ground down here with strong rabbitts that are in plentyfull numbers ... a lamping competition is a load of nonsence and nearly impossible to judge .......... Funny that socks cos i'm a southerner and from further down than you mate, i dont recall the rabbits down south as some kind of 'mutant super rabbit'........... .......... we'll see whether its impossible to judge i guess through the season......and as for the shit hole of britain comment, you just sound like SJM.....ie ...hater, you're just stamping your south northern divide into the mix......... ..........good thing not everyone is as narrowminded mate............ ........... Quote Link to post
Guest markbrick1 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 iam a northerner living down south,and theres no differance in the fecking rabbits,and to the scenery both places as beautifull in parts but a lot warmer down here, Quote Link to post
Guest SJM Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 I would disagree with the comment about a lamping competition being impossible to judge, unlike a lot on here I can speak from experience as I have judged a 3 day event where the dogs were used for lamping, ferreting and hunting up. I found that the lamping was the easiest part of judging the dogs, simply because after dark there were more rabbits around, they were sitting out further so runs were longer and we were getting to see the dogs running full stretch, and also we knew that everyone in the comp was guaranteed to get a good few runs each, theres no way you could guarantee the same when it came to ferreting, ie the rabbits didnt always bolt so well, and when they did, sometimes it was from one hole to another and the dogs werent getting a chance to get into their stride. The hunting up part also meant covering a fair bit of ground with no absolute guarantees that each dog would get the same number of runs or chances to have a run. The only thing you may have problems with is the fine details of the rules ie do the dogs get judged on their retreive or just the catch? as chartpolski mentioned what about rabbits being kicked or running into the lamper? how is it to be run turn and turn about or so many runs each and then swap over? if you can get these wee details ironed out, finalised and everyone clear about what they are supposed to be doing, it shouldnt be too difficult to sort out? JMHO Quote Link to post
Guest markbrick1 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 now i can somtimes be marks bigest critic , but it usualy me pulling him up for somthing he has said , or embelshied the truth slightly . but come on fares fare , pulling a dog up because its retrive is less than pefect , is a bit low. or becuse there's the odd doubled up slip. i have two dogs here both trained the same way , the saluki x her retrive is spot on , , but the kelpie cross tends to be less than perfect , she comes back with the bunny alive but will stop a few yards short. so come on lads how many of you have dogs with text book retrives, or havent sliped two at once, keep the vids coming mark , but use more light Tomo mate i think the lack of entries to the comp show what faith people have in their dogs abilities.............. at least mark has the balls to be in it, unlike the majority of this site!!! i guess all will be shown this season............cant wait till its underway and we'll get an influx of people who would've entered......... so because myself and people like me dont want to travell hundereds of miles up to the north east of england to run my dog on some silly rabbitts in a chest puffing lamping competition then we have no faith in our dogs abilities ??? UUMMM have you ever thought that perhaps we couldnt give a monkeys feck what other people think about our dogs !!!!!! i KNOW what my bitch is and isnt capable of and i dont need a silly little competition to show me that ............ Touchy touchy socks!!!!!! I know you wouldn't be interested in a chest puffing lamping competition........... you save that for the all the weight training threads....... ...... dont be so put down mate.........rabbits are the staple of most running dogs.......... i know rabbits are thats what my dog is bread to hunt .... but why would i want to travell hundereds of miles up to the shit hole of britain to run my dog on easy northern rabbitts when she can be tested far more on the very hard and undulating ground down here with strong rabbitts that are in plentyfull numbers ... a lamping competition is a load of nonsence and nearly impossible to judge .......... Funny that socks cos i'm a southerner and from further down than you mate, i dont recall the rabbits down south as some kind of 'mutant super rabbit'........... .......... we'll see whether its impossible to judge i guess through the season......and as for the shit hole of britain comment, you just sound like SJM.....ie ...hater, you're just stamping your south northern divide into the mix......... ..........good thing not everyone is as narrowminded mate............ ........... ITS LIKE SAYING THE CORNISH ARE BETTER THEN THE GEORDIES ARE THE WELSH BETTER THEN THE JOCKS GET REAL A FECKIN RABBIT IS A RABBIT Quote Link to post
socks 32,253 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 max i was taking it as a bit of a fun comp and leaving the guys that are involved to crack on and do what they wanted and win or lose hopefully it would be a fun comp ..... what i do take exception to is comments like this from longdogrunner ..... Tomo mate i think the lack of entries to the comp show what faith people have in their dogs abilities.............. at least mark has the balls to be in it, unlike the majority of this site!!! and as i said earlyer just because i have no intention of running my dog in this or any other competition doesnt mean i have no faith in my dog ... it just means i dont want to run in any comps ... end of really ......... as for the shit hole of britain comment ... if it aint in wales it is a shit hole .......... now as for the lamping scoring how are you going to do that ??? will the dogs be marked on observation of quarry ??? and if so how long do you allow before you start deducting points ? then there comes the question of terrain will that be taken into considiration ??? will the taking of squaters be more points than a running rabbit ??? what if a squatter takes off before the dogs lifts it ? does that then change the point scoring ??? what if the dog misses the squatter and it then turns into a run does the dog lose points for missing or get points for a brilliant run and catch ??? how do you score the run ??? the quicker the catch the more points ? or the better the strike and catch ? what about the retrieve ? points lost for a slow retrieve ? mouthing the rabbit ? putting down and picking up again ? not coming straight to hand ? the state of the rabbit at the end of the retrieve IE crushed bruised etc ..... these are just a few off the top of my head and these are things that people WILL contsest on the night ... and thats why i honestly believe that the so called friendly competition will be anything but ... people are naturally competitive and more so when our dogs are involved ........... Quote Link to post
socks 32,253 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 ITS LIKE SAYING THE CORNISH ARE BETTER THEN THE GEORDIES ARE THE WELSH BETTER THEN THE JOCKS GET REAL A FECKIN RABBIT IS A RABBIT one day i MAY let you come up here and work your dogs on the ground up here and see what the difference is ... there are no lovely flat fields up here with lush grass ... a rabbit is a rabbit ... dont be so silly ............ Quote Link to post
chartpolski 24,701 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 max i was taking it as a bit of a fun comp and leaving the guys that are involved to crack on and do what they wanted and win or lose hopefully it would be a fun comp ..... what i do take exception to is comments like this from longdogrunner ..... Tomo mate i think the lack of entries to the comp show what faith people have in their dogs abilities.............. at least mark has the balls to be in it, unlike the majority of this site!!! and as i said earlyer just because i have no intention of running my dog in this or any other competition doesnt mean i have no faith in my dog ... it just means i dont want to run in any comps ... end of really ......... as for the shit hole of britain comment ... if it aint in wales it is a shit hole .......... now as for the lamping scoring how are you going to do that ??? will the dogs be marked on observation of quarry ??? and if so how long do you allow before you start deducting points ? then there comes the question of terrain will that be taken into considiration ??? will the taking of squaters be more points than a running rabbit ??? what if a squatter takes off before the dogs lifts it ? does that then change the point scoring ??? what if the dog misses the squatter and it then turns into a run does the dog lose points for missing or get points for a brilliant run and catch ??? how do you score the run ??? the quicker the catch the more points ? or the better the strike and catch ? what about the retrieve ? points lost for a slow retrieve ? mouthing the rabbit ? putting down and picking up again ? not coming straight to hand ? the state of the rabbit at the end of the retrieve IE crushed bruised etc ..... these are just a few off the top of my head and these are things that people WILL contsest on the night ... and thats why i honestly believe that the so called friendly competition will be anything but ... people are naturally competitive and more so when our dogs are involved ........... As far as I'm concerned, the rules are extremly simple !! Alternate slips , over a three hour period, dog that kills/catches the most rabbits is the winner !!!! Why make it complicated ? Cheers. Quote Link to post
Guest SJM Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 Well said the bag at the end of the night will be the silent judge Quote Link to post
socks 32,253 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 because if people are allowed to pick their runs they will make sure that they will only run on the easy rabbits that are guarenteed and you will spend more time tramping around the fields that running dogs ......... Quote Link to post
chartpolski 24,701 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 because if people are allowed to pick their runs they will make sure that they will only run on the easy rabbits that are guarenteed and you will spend more time tramping around the fields that running dogs ......... By the same token... the less you run, the less you will catch !! Look mate, this was supposed to be a light hearted competition between like minded people !! I can honestly say I have entered for the fun of it !! I would gladly pay fifty quid to have a couple of nights on the lamp with some of these lads, on their permission, better than looking over my shoulder all the time ! LOL ! There seems to be a few people who only want to make negative comments about this competition; of course there will be a few problems, but nothing that the judges or organiser can't deal with ! Cheers. Quote Link to post
Guest markbrick1 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 socks over the yrs and all the silly comments over the internet,surely you cant beleave my dogs only run rabbits in little green fields nice and flat,if that was true i wouldnt be entering any competion beleave me because i wouldnt be inpressed if my dogs failed me badly,mark........................now cp socks has one point and like you iam in this for fun and £50 to run is feck all but if its alternative slips there should be some minimum time inbetween are the judge should pick the rabbit just a thought i wont be getting into the rules the rules are the rules for everyone but its about nus in the back not walking around waiting while the other person picks his wabbit Quote Link to post
LDR 29 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 max i was taking it as a bit of a fun comp and leaving the guys that are involved to crack on and do what they wanted and win or lose hopefully it would be a fun comp ..... what i do take exception to is comments like this from longdogrunner ..... Tomo mate i think the lack of entries to the comp show what faith people have in their dogs abilities.............. at least mark has the balls to be in it, unlike the majority of this site!!! and as i said earlyer just because i have no intention of running my dog in this or any other competition doesnt mean i have no faith in my dog ... it just means i dont want to run in any comps ... end of really ......... as for the shit hole of britain comment ... if it aint in wales it is a shit hole .......... now as for the lamping scoring how are you going to do that ??? will the dogs be marked on observation of quarry ??? and if so how long do you allow before you start deducting points ? then there comes the question of terrain will that be taken into considiration ??? will the taking of squaters be more points than a running rabbit ??? what if a squatter takes off before the dogs lifts it ? does that then change the point scoring ??? what if the dog misses the squatter and it then turns into a run does the dog lose points for missing or get points for a brilliant run and catch ??? how do you score the run ??? the quicker the catch the more points ? or the better the strike and catch ? what about the retrieve ? points lost for a slow retrieve ? mouthing the rabbit ? putting down and picking up again ? not coming straight to hand ? the state of the rabbit at the end of the retrieve IE crushed bruised etc ..... these are just a few off the top of my head and these are things that people WILL contsest on the night ... and thats why i honestly believe that the so called friendly competition will be anything but ... people are naturally competitive and more so when our dogs are involved ........... Your entire post socks shows you aint read anything to do with the competition.....if you had, you'd know exactly how we plen to run it as its set out in A B C format mate....... and as for singleing me out as slagging your faith in your dogs, i dont think you've ever been mentioned anywhere have you........... never thought you were part of the paranoid/everyones against me brigade!!!!!!!!! At least you'll be able to join the ranks who say they'd have beaten the dogs in the final when it happens......... Quote Link to post
Guest markbrick1 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 that always happened at the shows my dog would beat that dog.....well put your dog on the track..cant its injured Quote Link to post
Guest WILF Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 If folk want to enter then enter, if not then dont.........and the ranks of those who would of beaten the winner, well, thems that actually give a feck are allready in the competition. You may all just as well be lure coursing IMHO............because at night, in the field, its all about the hunt and all else is bollocks. Have fun........... Quote Link to post
Guest Leveller Posted August 9, 2008 Report Share Posted August 9, 2008 Wise words for a messer Quote Link to post
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