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well i got a new toy

Guest markbrick1

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Guest markbrick1
now i can somtimes be marks bigest critic , but it usualy me pulling him up for somthing he has said , or embelshied the truth slightly :whistling: .


but come on fares fare , pulling a dog up because its retrive is less than pefect , is a bit low. or becuse there's the odd doubled up slip.


i have two dogs here both trained the same way , the saluki x her retrive is spot on , , but the kelpie cross tends to be less than perfect , she comes back with the bunny alive but will stop a few yards short.


so come on lads how many of you have dogs with text book retrives, or havent sliped two at once,


keep the vids coming mark , but use more light :victory:

tomo do you flick the light of as soon as they catch????????????i do but with the video i kept the light on so that confused her,she is not bad at all on the retreave not 100% but good,also when your with another dog that also stops em coming in sometimes,but they both do for me mate,and to the double slip ok some are most of you say its a no go shouldnt couldnt are never done,but if it is done with another dog would your dog interfere with the other dog????as i said before i work both dogs of slip some nights and accidents happen but i dont mind he socialises them well together and shows theres no aggresion,mark

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Guest markbrick1
not bad footage for 1st timebut i can see why they call u markprick, just be honest chap you got to have a :whistling: good memory to spurt shit

well here we are a newbie?????????????????????????why not just keep your original name and get straight to the point,are is it your a coward,

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Guest bigredbusa
not bad footage for 1st timebut i can see why they call u markprick, just be honest chap you got to have a :whistling: good memory to spurt shit

well here we are a newbie?????????????????????????why not just keep your original name and get straight to the point,are is it your a coward,



yep another newbie mark , but it looks as tho he got your number up within 7 posts :) lol

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Guest markbrick1
not bad footage for 1st timebut i can see why they call u markprick, just be honest chap you got to have a :whistling: good memory to spurt shit

well here we are a newbie?????????????????????????why not just keep your original name and get straight to the point,are is it your a coward,



yep another newbie mark , but it looks as tho he got your number up within 7 posts :) lol

its proberly you??????????????????????????

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Guest bigredbusa

hey , gimmie some credit :) if ive got something to say i will say it :) anyway mark bollox to what everyone else thinks .


ive got an old jvc dlv digital camcorder sitting here i might get out and give it a go myself

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Guest markbrick1
no coward chap just saying what i see, did your parents call you markbrick1 lol

mark,being a bricklayer and couldnt get on as markbrick so put the 1 there anything else you need to know since its pissin down here cant get out and thl is on for a hour

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Guest bigredbusa
mark,being a bricklayer and couldnt get on as markbrick so put the 1 there anything else you need to know since its pissin down here cant get out and thl is on for a hour


i fast walked 10 mile last night with 40 lb on my back and the weight has dropped off me and im at a nice healthy weight of 13.5 stone and will hopefully lose my little bit of waist as soon as the season kicks in , now as you are getting a bit handy with the old camcorder is there a ' workout with markprick' fitness vid on the way ?


:) love yer

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Guest markbrick1
mark,being a bricklayer and couldnt get on as markbrick so put the 1 there anything else you need to know since its pissin down here cant get out and thl is on for a hour


i fast walked 10 mile last night with 40 lb on my back and the weight has dropped off me and im at a nice healthy weight of 13.5 stone and will hopefully lose my little bit of waist as soon as the season kicks in , now as you are getting a bit handy with the old camcorder is there a ' workout with markprick' fitness vid on the way ?


:) love yer

feck come back when your my age,if you got out there more with your dogs and stopped sitting at the computer you wouldnt need to power walk 10 miles with 40 iib on your back thats iquevelant to 2 hrs lamping with a 17 amp battery 5 rabbits over medium ground peace of piss :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Guest markbrick1
lol you dick i was lamping (shooting ) lol

big red you really do show your self up when you have to always put a derogotive insult in your replys you have no reason to feel threatened :clapper: mark

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Guest bigredbusa

sorry if you felt that was an insult fella , i wont edit it tho so everyone can see what a bad man i am :)


big red you really do show your self up


SORRY !!!! lol brwaaaaa .... arghh man for fucks sake mark these jeans are clean on as well

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Guest bigredbusa

oh and me and mark would just like to add before a mod steps in and decides to get heavy with the 'warn ' and delete' button we are just having a bit of banter and nothing more :)

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now i can somtimes be marks bigest critic , but it usualy me pulling him up for somthing he has said , or embelshied the truth slightly :whistling: .


but come on fares fare , pulling a dog up because its retrive is less than pefect , is a bit low. or becuse there's the odd doubled up slip.


i have two dogs here both trained the same way , the saluki x her retrive is spot on , , but the kelpie cross tends to be less than perfect , she comes back with the bunny alive but will stop a few yards short.


so come on lads how many of you have dogs with text book retrives, or havent sliped two at once,


keep the vids coming mark , but use more light :victory:



Tomo mate i think the lack of entries to the comp show what faith people have in their dogs abilities.............. at least mark has the balls to be in it, unlike the majority of this site!!!


i guess all will be shown this season............cant wait till its underway and we'll get an influx of people who would've entered......... :clapper::clapper:


so because myself and people like me dont want to travell hundereds of miles up to the north east of england to run my dog on some silly rabbitts in a chest puffing lamping competition then we have no faith in our dogs abilities ??? UUMMM have you ever thought that perhaps we couldnt give a monkeys feck what other people think about our dogs !!!!!! i KNOW what my bitch is and isnt capable of and i dont need a silly little competition to show me that ............

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