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gun care

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when is a good time to have a service mines 5 year old and ant ad one but still shoots sweet as a nut should i leave it or get it done, cheers :gunsmilie:


Well mate after 5 yrs it might be a good idea , it shoots good now but your use to it , you might notice an improvement :thumbs:

:thumbs: you might be right mate :gunsmilie:

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Does anyone use them cotton slugs what you shoot trough to clean the barrel if so how'd you rate em


The felt wads just shoot them through till they appear clean, you can use them three or for times if you can find the buggers and get them back in, its obvious they do clean as you can see the grime on them, soak the last one in oil to re lube the barrel, is a very long time since I used them but seemed to be OK at the time, I now use a pull through after about every thousand pellets.

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i clean my barrel once a month :whistling:

and give it an oil up after every use

i use PARKER-HALE express gun oil in a spray tin

just give it a quick squirt over and wipe it off with a lint free cloth job done great stuff would recomend it to anyone :big_boss:


havent tried the oiling the pellets mine is fine with what i do but after i clean the barrel i do run the soft brush through with oil on it

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After every outing it gets a good wiping down with the silicone cloth on the barrell ,then a quick rub with 1 of those micro fibre cloths gives it a nice sheen . Bit gun grease every now and then on the bolt action and inside the magazine slot just keep everything nice and smooth. Clean the inside of the barrel with a old piece of fly line with some damp cloth tied to the end looks like a mini parachute lol. slowly insert from the magazine end and pull through takes the shite away . :victory: FV.

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Similar to Gav, I shoot felt cleaning pellets through, catching them in a scrunched up towel or something. Usually, after half a dozen have gone through, and the rifling marks are just marks and not dirt, I shoot a final oily one through.

For general wiping down of any gun, i use a reel cloth, it's just a silicone impregnated yellow duster really, and will remove all fingerprints. Usually about £4 from any gun / fishing shop.

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After every outing it gets a good wiping down with the silicone cloth on the barrell ,then a quick rub with 1 of those micro fibre cloths gives it a nice sheen . Bit gun grease every now and then on the bolt action and inside the magazine slot just keep everything nice and smooth. Clean the inside of the barrel with a old piece of fly line with some damp cloth tied to the end looks like a mini parachute lol. slowly insert from the magazine end and pull through takes the shite away . :victory: FV.

you pull a peice of damp cloth through to finish off?damp with what?! :icon_eek:

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Use Naiper pellet lube on my H&N FTT after washing them with clean water and allowing them to dry naturally, use Abby gun oil on my stock and the rest of the gun after ( a couple of drops on a cloth and a quick rub over ), bought a lens pen from Uttings that I use for my optics ( use after shooting in damp conditions ) then into a dry gun bag with a couple of those silica-gel packets ( like the one's you get in shoe box's ) to remove any further moisture.....very anal I know but it takes the same length of time to lace up my boots!! ( apart from the pellet bit ).




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