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from meat to dry

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I have a young hob which has only been fed on meat and never wants to eat dry food. I am going to france for a couple of weeks on the 17th august and it would be very useful to be able to only have to give them dry while im away. I dont want to leave him with my friend unless I am certain that he is eating dry food. any help will be apprieciated

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Try soaking it in hot water to soften the biscuits, obviously drain and allow to cool before feeding. I do that for mine when i run out of fresh kills and they wolf it down! I think it must be the smell, it really is pretty rancid lol probly why they love it so much!





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i feed my ferrets on meat but can you feed them on dry cat food?

Perhaps as a one off but I wouldn't feed mine on dry cat food :no:on a regular basis, ferret complete food has all the essential nutrients that they need dry cat food would only do as an absolute emergency IMO.

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i feed my ferrets on meat but can you feed them on dry cat food?

Perhaps as a one off but I wouldn't feed mine on dry cat food :no:on a regular basis, ferret complete food has all the essential nutrients that they need dry cat food would only do as an absolute emergency IMO.


Totally agree Julie cheaper cat foods soya based protein as well ok in an emergency

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I have a young hob which has only been fed on meat and never wants to eat dry food. I am going to france for a couple of weeks on the 17th august and it would be very useful to be able to only have to give them dry while im away. I dont want to leave him with my friend unless I am certain that he is eating dry food. any help will be apprieciated



Hi Will... i'm assumin you're talkin about the lil guy you got from me... lol... and yeah the whole lot dont enjoy their kibble much unless i disguise it .. which i do from time to time, so that if there is an emergency or unforseen circumstance that means i feed only kibble... they will know its food!


here's what to do ...


in the morning get out whatever meat you're planning on feeding and liquidize it if its rabbit ... or chop it very fine... mince would do here too...


you're gonna want 3/4 meat and 1/4 kibble..


set the kibble to soak for about 10 min in some warm water... and then mix in the meat...


if you got him addicted to ferretone or oliveoil or any other treat... add a bit on top for flavour...


you can try 1/2 and 1/2 the next day and so on... by the time you're at 1/4 meat and 3/4 kibble you should be able to leave it dry... i find that a sprinkle of ferretone on top of kibble now gets them into the dish and then there's no problems..


another option for your trip if the lil guy just refuses... get a bunch of containers.. like for chinese? chop up suitable portions for meals.. and freeze... your friend can take a portion out at a time to thaw...


we did this when we had to leave a nursing jill home for the weekend and it worked out well.. no measuring or taking bones and fur out for the friend watching the fuzz...


good luck!!




good luck...

Edited by lorelei0922
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I have a young hob which has only been fed on meat and never wants to eat dry food. I am going to france for a couple of weeks on the 17th august and it would be very useful to be able to only have to give them dry while im away. I dont want to leave him with my friend unless I am certain that he is eating dry food. any help will be apprieciated



Hi Will... i'm assumin you're talkin about the lil guy you got from me... lol... and yeah the whole lot dont enjoy their kibble much unless i disguise it .. which i do from time to time, so that if there is an emergency or unforseen circumstance that means i feed only kibble... they will know its food!


here's what to do ...


in the morning get out whatever meat you're planning on feeding and liquidize it if its rabbit ... or chop it very fine... mince would do here too...


you're gonna want 3/4 meat and 1/4 kibble..


set the kibble to soak for about 10 min in some warm water... and then mix in the meat...


if you got him addicted to ferretone or oliveoil or any other treat... add a bit on top for flavour...


you can try 1/2 and 1/2 the next day and so on... by the time you're at 1/4 meat and 3/4 kibble you should be able to leave it dry... i find that a sprinkle of ferretone on top of kibble now gets them into the dish and then there's no problems..


another option for your trip if the lil guy just refuses... get a bunch of containers.. like for chinese? chop up suitable portions for meals.. and freeze... your friend can take a portion out at a time to thaw...


we did this when we had to leave a nursing jill home for the weekend and it worked out well.. no measuring or taking bones and fur out for the friend watching the fuzz...


good luck!!




good luck...


stick a bowl of dry JWB ferret biscuit in with him, animals aint stupid, it will eat when its hungary

just make sure the water bottle is never empty

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Guest on the hill

whats the problem with people on here? i feed mine on dry cat food everyday!!! with the odd tin of cat food now and then and rabbit and the odd carrot here and there! but mainly they get dry cat food which is as good as your ferret needs it has all the stuff needed for your ferret to live a long healthy life so to all you who stick your nose up at the dry food i say open your eyes :wallbash:

Edited by on the hill
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whats the problem with people on here? i feed mine on dry cat food everyday!!! with the odd tin of cat food now and then and rabbit and the odd carrot here and there! but mainly they get dry cat food which is as good as your ferret needs it has all the stuff needed for your ferret to live a long healthy life so to all you who stick your nose up at the dry food i say open your eyes :wallbash:


If you using cheapo cat biscuits the ferrets not getting any animal based protein , as it contains vegetable protein (soya) so if thats the ferrets staple diet then no its not getting all it needs, its cat food not ferret food

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I got my castrate hob off someone which fed cat biscuits and wet cat food to it. He wasnt in very good condition and the minute i put him on ferret food then he recovered and although he has always been on the thin side his shit looks healthy and is very active

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