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bloody dog

Guest traceyg

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Guest traceyg

Went out with the girls today and our dogs, my friend has a cavalier king Charles. She usually never lets the dam thing off its lead but as i had 3 of mine she thought it wouldn't run off.

Bad move as soon as she took the lead off it ran and ran :wallbash::whistling: There was no way it was going to stop my dogs never even bothered to go find her ,So it took us nearly a hour of trailing in and out of fields to find her which at last we did .But hell i have never wanted to kick a dog up the arse as i wanted to hers .Has any of your dogs run away and what did you do


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yup. mine went missing for 12 hours. looked in all his haunts for hours on end. turned up next morning of hia own accord, got in through his flap in the back door, got in my daughters bed looking very pleased with himself, covered in earth and fox poo! wanted to throttle the living daylights out of him!!!!! if there is a next time i won't bother sending a search party out for at least 12 hours!!! thats when i conceded defeat and accepted he wanted to get into holes and hunt! I was previously in denial. cheeky blighter had the nerve to show me the next day on his walk where he had been in the local fields and holes!!!

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Well just look at the dogs chuffing expression Tracey.........it looks a bad arsed little fker. ;) It is saying to itself......."Just wait till you let me loose again........I got a good game we can play" :laugh::laugh::o





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i've had dogs run off before, slipped off the leash and collar (they did, not me!) or bolted out the door because someone wasnt paying attention.... i used to live on a 200 acre horse and cow ranch so i didnt really care. i just knew they would come back rank and nasty.. and i didnt feel any pity for them while hosing them off outside in the dead of winter when they did it! ((but they did get to come inside and get warm again)) they figured running off was worth the consequences. my land lord would laugh and tell me, on these occasions, "So and So saw your three dogs with the boss's dogs, all of them chasing a herd of deer. That little jack russell was keeping up with them too!"


i didnt have my jack russel for three years and when i got her back the first thing she did was bolt.....and she thought she had a grudge to settle with my bulldog bitch (whom she hadnt even met yet!) stupid terrier didnt count on there being TWO bulldogs and i am still surprised to this day the damned mutt survived the encounter!! it didnt cure her from running off but she has settled her desire to whip a big dog! No she still runs off when she the chance. roams around the countryside with the neighbour's mutt. he's a gentleman of a dog and always seems to look after her. but i have decided i'm not chasing after another dog if it runs away. it will either come home or it wont. biggest waste of time to go after a dog that doesnt want to be with you. it can stay gone for all i care!


My bulldog bitch even ran off once but only because i told her to. there was an armadillo in the bushes that was worrying the german shepherd... so i told Kaydee to go get it.... oops! i didnt know armadillos could run that fast!! it took off out of the bushes, across the street and disappeared into the wilderness with a bulldog and shepherd right on its ass! and this happened at midnight.... my husband and i sat outside for three hours listening to the dogs baying after something... and when they finally did come back they were ragged out, muddy and had blood splattered on them. but they did come back as i knew they would.

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One of my old man's used to feck off every time it came into season and would be missing for day's then eventually come back stinking of horse/cow shite......but never came back with a belly full of pup's..strange?????

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