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Its only a matter of time,I remember doing tissue-culture on plants 20+ years ago,10's of thousands of plants identical to the parent stock from just a fragment of leaf,all cutting-edge back then,genetics are progressing rapidly :blink: One day every woman will look like Salma Hayek or Penelope Cruz :yes:

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God it would be freaky to have a perfect double that was not a twin

It would save having to buy a mirror ;)


I suppose it could have its advantages as well :laugh:

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She is a wierd women, no way would I pay that to get my dog cloned. When where gone we go for a reason you cant be replaced.


About jurrasic park. Fox hunting with velocaraptors and riding T-REX that aint illegal.

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Former beauty queen my arse maybe in a former life :icon_eek::icon_eek:

Judging from the pic it I think it may actually have been a dog show :blink: Even then it will have been a close run contest twixt her and that pup :blink:

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I phoned professor Byeong-chun in Seoul earlier,and it seems Ms Mkinney was closer to Booger than anyone realised initially,he also disclosed the puppies werent actually cloned,but conceived via Ms Mkinney being artificially implanted :whistling:


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