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Government paranoia

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Pay as you go mobile sim cards.


I went to buy a sim card today and was told that unless i gave my name and address i wouldnt be aloud to buy one. When i asked why i was told government guildlines regarding the sale of sims now dictates an address has to be given. I was then told that this is to stop criminals using the phones to commit crimes. More than is likely it is so they can have an addres of the perpitrator of said crimes. I was then told by the shop asistant that unless i was a criminal with something to hide why do i fear such big brother activity?


Simple, as a law abiding person im now subject to this bullshite big brother paranoia from the state, where by im now subject to restrictions on my civil liberties. Take this paranoia a step further and the signils given out by the phone in my opinion is now being used as a tracking device, after all they will now know who owns that phone as they have the address.


Lets face it, they want to keep us in our place, they want to keep tabs on each and everone of us and the mobile phone is yet another way of doing this. Ask any old age pensioner why they fought in the war and they will say to protect civil liberties and freedom. Do we have fredom? hell no, i couldnt even buy a sim card for my phone.


Speaking of the war wasnt hitler charged with umugst other things of trying to control the human race? I can see that in the not so distant future we will either be put in a postion where by all new babies will have a chip inserted under the skin so we can be scaned from space so the government can keep tabs on us. Or simple do as Hitler did to the Jews, tatoo a number and bar code on our forearm and have us scan in our every movement.


So government bullshite and paranoia had me resorting to a criminal activity, I simple gave a false name and post code. something that after reading the small print on my reciept said and i quote: Giving a false name and adress can result in criminal proceedings being brought against said perpitrator, resulting in a criminal record: unquote


so there you have it, living in England in the year 2008 and going to buy a sim card for your mobile phone can result in you gaining a criminal record.


Two words, F**K UM :feck:

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I understand what your saying and fully agree with you. However if giving name and address can do anything no matter how little to help stop terrorism I agree with it.

So we all get punished for the actions of few mindless morons? You'll never stop those who wish to break the law in any form. While I'm not saying it's not worth trying to stop them, we have some of the tightest gun restrictions in the world, it hasn't stopped idiots shooting each other with illegal guns has it?

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I fail to see how giving your name and address to buy a sim card is being punished.

Probably used the wrong word there, but it's as if we're all being tarred with the same brush, just in case. It seems like we're all under suspicion these days, that was what I was trying to get across. Whatever happened to a persons right to privacy, one of the most basic human rights? :thumbs:

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f**k them,constant drip,drip,drip erosion of civil liberties to Joe Public,but High-profile "Clerics" who actually promote terrorism on the streets of the UK still claim their benefits and live happy as a pig-in-muck :D Do what I have,get a phone registered abroad and just have it pay-as-you-go and topped up over there thats what a load of these f*****g people do anyway,how do the powers-that-be legislate against that?Buy a dozen SIMS in pakistan,not rocket science is it?

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I've got about 50 odd PAYG sims here somewere. You can usually get them very cheaply off ebay and I don't think the ebay seller would bother reporting back to the network provider everytime they sold one. Carboot sales are good too, Most old phones or even newer models are sold with a sim in.

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Pay as you go mobile sim cards.


I went to buy a sim card today and was told that unless i gave my name and address i wouldnt be aloud to buy one. When i asked why i was told government guildlines regarding the sale of sims now dictates an address has to be given. I was then told that this is to stop criminals using the phones to commit crimes. More than is likely it is so they can have an addres of the perpitrator of said crimes. I was then told by the shop asistant that unless i was a criminal with something to hide why do i fear such big brother activity?


Simple, as a law abiding person im now subject to this bullshite big brother paranoia from the state, where by im now subject to restrictions on my civil liberties. Take this paranoia a step further and the signils given out by the phone in my opinion is now being used as a tracking device, after all they will now know who owns that phone as they have the address.


Lets face it, they want to keep us in our place, they want to keep tabs on each and everone of us and the mobile phone is yet another way of doing this. Ask any old age pensioner why they fought in the war and they will say to protect civil liberties and freedom. Do we have fredom? hell no, i couldnt even buy a sim card for my phone.


Speaking of the war wasnt hitler charged with umugst other things of trying to control the human race? I can see that in the not so distant future we will either be put in a postion where by all new babies will have a chip inserted under the skin so we can be scaned from space so the government can keep tabs on us. Or simple do as Hitler did to the Jews, tatoo a number and bar code on our forearm and have us scan in our every movement.


So government bullshite and paranoia had me resorting to a criminal activity, I simple gave a false name and post code. something that after reading the small print on my reciept said and i quote: Giving a false name and adress can result in criminal proceedings being brought against said perpitrator, resulting in a criminal record: unquote


so there you have it, living in England in the year 2008 and going to buy a sim card for your mobile phone can result in you gaining a criminal record.


Two words, F**K UM :feck:



Apparently if you put your mobile number into google earth it can tell you exactly where you are :blink::blink:

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Ah, the goverment got this terrorist situation sorted now, just make them give you their name and address when they buy a sim card, They will never realise why they ask that. :wallbash: surley it would help our overstretched security forces if you also had to put down your occupation, ie: Terrorist. :wacko:

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