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22.250 any info

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i think it was to do with it being my first time for a rifle plus the boss's wife said there are no deer on there but the boss got 243 on the land. i will give it 6 mths and then re apply with lots of proof no worries. i am thinking of a tikka t3 varmit looks like my kind of gun and not to pricey. what type of scopes and mod do you think are the best for this kit?????? cheers vince

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Vincy I would like to throw a twist in . I have nearlly every call from 17 up to 458 win mag.And I will say that my 17 call rim goes out hunting way more than any other,I shoot coyotes 60lbs very effective out to 300 yrds with very low report,box of 50 rnds 10.00 us.

cheap fun and no one hears it at night or early mornings in the summer.And believe me very deadly,Just a thought.

I have handloaded for years my 22-250 and it gets expensive and I get more people checking after a bit of shooting as it is so loud.

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Vincy 22/250 is a good fast caliber x-ilent on foxies. A friend shot one and stiil is. on roe it bruised it a little i put it down to factory ammo. But what a long range pest control rifle .stick a good scope on it i use 8x 56 shmit .I read some were that federal has a load for a 40grn that push out to nearly 4000 feet/sec GOOD LUCK. :good::D

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hi guys im no gunmaster like alot of you :ph34r:


but as a kid i trained as a keeper and did some summer holiday work at buckminster estate in lincolnshire . i used the head kepers 22.250 a couple of times but saw him use it alot . it was before there was the moderators that are availible today ..

it was so acurate i couldnt beleave it same hole shooting at some amasing distances . he shoots or shot alot of foxex with it and they looked like a minnie hand granade had gone off in the area that was hit . it was turning hares inside out at long range to.


i always said if i got my fire arms licence i would have a 22.250. but talking to a raf guy who runns a shoot the other week he said that 22.250 is to fast and after 1000 + shot you need to think about changing barrel as they become burnt.


i duno if that is true or not ?


any way i envy you guys that have fire arms licences and the game to shoot with them ..

all the best matt

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