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I take it from your few posts you're having a rough time????????


Stick in there mate, and if in doubt, get a stick and beat her with it......only kidding!!!!!


Stop trying to make sense of it all, they're a different breed, sit her down and explain to her that you aint willing to take her shit and everytime she has a pop or pisses you off you'll go out with the dogs or ignore her infantile behaviour, stick with what you say, she wont argue with herself for long.......... be strong....feel the force obie one!!!! :big_boss::big_boss::big_boss:

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Something must attract people in the first place or you wouldnt be together, perhaps its old fashoned but a propper courtship can iron out any possible problems in the first few months rather than what appears to happen thesedays when couples shack up within the first few weeks of meeting when the sexual attractions obviously whats keeping you together

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Something must attract people in the first place or you wouldnt be together, perhaps its old fashoned but a propper courtship can iron out any possible problems in the first few months rather than what appears to happen thesedays when couples shack up within the first few weeks of meeting when the sexual attractions obviously whats keeping you together


Very wise words Kay :yes:

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Something must attract people in the first place


:yes: :yes: It's called beer



Well once you sobered up you should have seen the error of your ways :laugh:


Dont i know it :whistling:


So basically the lust that everyone experiences with a new partners worn off

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I didnt find the details boring :D The only bit that scared me Joe was when she shouted out of the window and I saw that look on your face,you went from being :boogie: to :cry: in about 2 seconds :D

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Its not lust kay,more complex than that,mywife looks better now than when I met her,some women mature into stunning butterflies once they pupate and emerge(slightly Haniibal Lectorish I know but its true)she is still a dress size 6,still turns heads,but characters change,you can fall out of love with a person when your interests drift :victory:

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Every one looks better as you get older, it's called being less fussy.


Well i look like a different person now to how i did 4 yrs ago , but its not just appearence its actually liking yourself which i do right now for the first time in my life

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Every one looks better as you get older, it's called being less fussy.

Thats totally untrue mate,some women really DO get better with age,as for being less-fussy,that just aint the case :laugh:

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At the end of their day when your younger you think with your heart and your hormones,every-holes-a-goal,quantity instead of quality,we have all been there,you wash up somewhere exotic(like Brimingham)the first thing you want to do is test-drive a local lady,I never drank,I had other interests,but as you get older,youve been there,done ot,even got the slightly faded T-shirt,thats when you start to think with your head and quality comes to the fore :victory:

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Something must attract people in the first place or you wouldnt be together, perhaps its old fashoned but a propper courtship can iron out any possible problems in the first few months rather than what appears to happen thesedays when couples shack up within the first few weeks of meeting when the sexual attractions obviously whats keeping you together

what ever it is that attracted the bloke to the woman in the first place seems to go out the window after a few years to much keeping up with the jones's & how many blokes do you see that are their old selves when out on there own only to revert to a shadow when out with the other half, its a sad sight to behold. ATB Pritch

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Something must attract people in the first place or you wouldnt be together, perhaps its old fashoned but a propper courtship can iron out any possible problems in the first few months rather than what appears to happen thesedays when couples shack up within the first few weeks of meeting when the sexual attractions obviously whats keeping you together

what ever it is that attracted the bloke to the woman in the first place seems to go out the window after a few years to much keeping up with the jones's & how many blokes do you see that are their old selves when out on there own only to revert to a shadow when out with the other half, its a sad sight to behold. ATB Pritch


Any relationship should be an equal partnership , we all have traits that annoy our partners , its learning how to tollerate each others little ways .


What does amaze me is the amount of people who want there partner to change once there seemingly settled & its all going well, that is something i have never understood ,

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kay you speak a lot of sense BUT ive heard it all before & 2 or 3 years down the line its all change [your always out with them dogs ] & the classic [you think more of them dogs than you do of me] well eventually she was right, infact i thought more of next stores cat than i thought of her ATB Pritch

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