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Do blind people

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If so...... do they see images?



I can understand if a person had lost their sight then yes that person would still have the images of the world in their memory, but a person that was blind from birth could only imagine the every day things that is discribed to them, dont mean to offend anyone but was just wondering.

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Interesting question.........someone will come up with the answer i'm sure. :hmm:


Last night I had a funny dream: I dreamt I was wide awake......but when I woke up I was fast asleep ;)



Know what you mean Rolfe, I woke up last week and found I never fell asleep.

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Course they dream, we all dream :icon_redface:

how can they? how do you dream about a dog if youve never seen one?



Blindness from births one thing people have other sences like ''touch''but dont forget people go blind at any time & they still have a memory ,


Hello, is it me your looking for :whistling::laugh:

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well.....this has had me thinking for a while and..........???????????


i suppose they have their own imagination of things, which are used in dreams, and if they used to be able to see their mind thoughts are of how they remember things???


or have i been thinking for to long ???





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