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my first black rabbit with my s10

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nice! thats one to skin. ive never even seen a black rabbit, i'll have to keep my eyes open.



I had never seen one until 10 days ago; it was sat next to a "normal" on a roundabout on a main A road near to me (big, grassy island with trees & bushes)

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nice! thats one to skin. ive never even seen a black rabbit, i'll have to keep my eyes open.



I had never seen one until 10 days ago; it was sat next to a "normal" on a roundabout on a main A road near to me (big, grassy island with trees & bushes)



ive seen a few positivley ginger rabbits around here and a couple of melanistic squirrels but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.

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nice! thats one to skin. ive never even seen a black rabbit, i'll have to keep my eyes open.



I had never seen one until 10 days ago; it was sat next to a "normal" on a roundabout on a main A road near to me (big, grassy island with trees & bushes)



ive seen a few positivley ginger rabbits around here and a couple of melanistic squirrels but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.


Not seen a black squirrel yet; plenty of greys though......

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good goin on the black un. i have shot a few over the year's. see em pretty regular up here on the dales. i heard all that crap about bad look to shoot em . and to be honest i didnt shoot any or though i had the chance . anyway i got to no an old guy who had more permision than anyone i had ever known. i'm talkin miles of real good land . and this guy was pretty well off aswell. he invited me to go rough shooting with him and you guessed it he shot a black un :clapper: . i told him i wouldnt of shot it he asked why. and i told him the bad luck thing. he laughed his arse off. said he had shot em all his life . then i thought sod it he is doing great. land,money. it aint brought him no bad luck. since that day. i have shot em :gunsmilie: nee bother. there was a write up on black rabbit's years ago in the countryman's weekly. asking how the black un came about . anyway some old timer wrote in and said he worked for the goverment in the 1950's when myxi was introduced to britain. he was one of the guy's who went out releasing infected rabbit's into the wild population to spread. he said that all the carrier rabbit's released were black. and the black un we see now are through back's. dont know how true it is but a few other guy's backed the old timer up..

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never heard bad luck thing before ...

there hard to get to see you or hear you there of , the ones on my shoot no the distance i can get them to lol

got him on windy day in the corn cob field didnt hear me at all 10 15 yards shot got him just below eye slightly back down he went not a kick at all :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

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