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I'm at my wits end with my two jills, I have handled them every day since i got them about 5 weeks ago they started nipping and some gentle flicks on the nose stopped it, but in the last week they have turned vicous. I can call them and they come running out but them start atacking anything if it moves or not including my hands and there not nipping there biting. I have given them "toys" in there run clean them out daily feed them well I just don't know where I ahve gone wrong.


Before this all started they were really confident, but the slightest noise turns them viscous, it's like there affraid of something but i don't know what I haven't done anything to them. They constantly try to climb out of the run which of course they will do and before i could pick them up and put them back in but now they bite when I try to put them back in so last night I just let them get out and they ran off behind the shed, I sat there for 10 mins and they came back to me but wouldn't let me hold them. I let them run off so to speak in the garden and they came back again alot quiter and them a door slammed next door and they were biting again.


Sorry to go on so long just don't know what to do.


If there is anyone local to me that can have a look at them or talk to me about anything I'm doing wrong I'll try anything at this point. :wallbash:



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Ah the joys of ferret breeding lol i have bred poleys for years and some say they are viscious (utter nonsence)My kits went the stage of biting hard.But hiss in their ear they will stop.I know that your thinking they will not stop but handle them more talk to them when you pick them up they will come good mate.As for them being startled well thats just them being kits,mine rush and hide when i walk up but they come out again a few seconds later.Jets flying over dogs barking,doors slamming they shit their selfs,but its all part and parcel of growing up.I really wouldn't be downhearted mate it happens with all kits,Some come good before others but working full time you cant spend as much time as others.So it takes a wee bit longer in some cases.

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I'm at my wits end with my two jills, I have handled them every day since i got them about 5 weeks ago they started nipping and some gentle flicks on the nose stopped it, but in the last week they have turned vicous. I can call them and they come running out but them start atacking anything if it moves or not including my hands and there not nipping there biting. I have given them "toys" in there run clean them out daily feed them well I just don't know where I ahve gone wrong.


Before this all started they were really confident, but the slightest noise turns them viscous, it's like there affraid of something but i don't know what I haven't done anything to them. They constantly try to climb out of the run which of course they will do and before i could pick them up and put them back in but now they bite when I try to put them back in so last night I just let them get out and they ran off behind the shed, I sat there for 10 mins and they came back to me but wouldn't let me hold them. I let them run off so to speak in the garden and they came back again alot quiter and them a door slammed next door and they were biting again.


Sorry to go on so long just don't know what to do.


If there is anyone local to me that can have a look at them or talk to me about anything I'm doing wrong I'll try anything at this point. :wallbash:




Right then,all young ferts will nip/bite mainly because they don't have hands,they only have teeth.But,that doesn't help you getting bitten all the time,so,what you need to do is,hold your fert as you would normally,so as it can't bite the hand you are holding it with,and then,get you knuckle as in this picture......................


the fert will almost certainly try to bite the knuckle,so,even though it will hurt you a bit,push the knuckle into the mouth(not too hard as you will do damage to the ferts jaw)the fert will gag,so,take the knuckle out.You knuckle will be bleeding,but,the fert will not like having it pushed into it's mouth.You really should only need to do this a few times for the biting to stop.You might need to do it a couple of times per day for a couple of days,but,whatever you do don't wear a glove,and,don't shy away from them,and,as soon as you can try to just hold them loosely so they will calm down.Sometimes people do pull away(automatically)when they are about to pick them up,and,that is when the fert will grab,and,latch on not being viscious,but,just a reaction..............anyway give it a go and let us know how you get on,I think you will be pleasantly surprised.......................Martin.

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Someone must have some tips for me.



just some quick simple things really... what are you feeding and how much.. are they hungry? hungry kits can be bitey kits...


next .. perhaps you need to take a look around the hutch/run area... are there loud dogs nearby that could be giving them a fright? perhaps the area you have given them it a bit big for them just yet.. i know everyone says bigger is better but i do know some kits get overwelmed by the whole big ole world thing.. perhaps try limiting their space to a smaller snug area while they settle down?


another idea is the flicking on the nose bit... in a general sort of way, violence breeds violence.. someone smacks me on the nose i'm gonna smack back... perhaps try a different tactic and regain their trust that way... a firm confident NO!.... the confidence could be an issue.. if you were bitten and got a bit wary of them.. they can pick that up... and could be responding to that.


lastly.. or perhaps firstly... check each one over for anything that could be amiss... ticks or a sore or splinter or something?? hurt ferrets can be a bit bitey too..


all in all it SOUNDS like you're doing the right things, though perhaps if someone local to you can come give you a hand and see.. maybe you are missing something ??


if you cant find someone from this site.. try a local rescue.. as much as they are hated etc by some hunters, they do have good ideas and perhaps just some more confident hands to give you a push in the right direction with the nip training.


If you were closer i'd be happy to .. but alas.. Devon is a bit far lol


and keep at it.. remember their bites are NOTHING compared to what an adult could do.. so its best to keep at it NOW instead of later... handle gently and often ... 3-4 times a day regardless if they are biting!.. biting ferrets need MORE attention not less.. and make sure they are full..


good LUCK!!

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I've tried pushing my finger into her mouth and knuckle but she just chews away at it, I must have done it 5 times in half hour with her and every time she would could back at me.

Edited by Rhodey
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I have checked them over but they seem well eyes are bright and clean noses, no ticks and nothing in the paws. I handle them about an hour after feeding them.




I was thinking about soap or mustard, think mustard might be a bit strong tho while there young.

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my kit is 10 weeks now and she was a terrible little nipper...all i do is put some malt paste on my hands and fingers when i handle she licks it all of...when i pick her up now she doesn't attemp to bite...i like to think my method worked wonders but she probably just grew out of nipping lol

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How big is the place they live, is it massive ? and when they fiz there tails it could mean excitment as well as fear, are they letting there scent glands go , stink like diesel ?

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I would chuck in some rabbit for them , more than they can eat , then get them out after they have gorged on the meat , keep the area they have to roam free fairly small & have a box in the run they can go to if they become scared , sides & roof equalls safety ,


do they have free acess to the run or do you have to take them from the hutch to the run ?


just found the thread when you posted pics of the hutch & run, i would make a bedding box & place it in the run if you havent already done that

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I found a combination of squawking LOUDLY in the ferret's ear, and shoving an offered knuckle into their mouth GENTLY cured a bity jill in a few months. Never nose-flicked. No need, as lorelei said, to meet violence with violence.


She wasn't a kit, and she meant it when she bit.

The worst was over in a few weeks. just the occasional bite to remind me after that.


Persistance is the key, mate. They'll come round.

Edited by droid
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