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Saluki Greyhounds Bad Hunters !!!

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Ive just joined today and would like to say as a lady hunter having hunted salukis that after having salukis and saluki crosses for more years than most I would say that the pure saluki is an awsome athlete and been about for thousands of years. My good friend has a pure KC reg salulki (houdini) who is awsome in the field and on the fen. My own belief is that if you befriend them as puppies so they bond to you then you can get them to do anything. When they get passed around and abused (in some cases not) it warps their minds and they just go blank on everyone around them.


I havent got a dog at the moment and have taken houdini out time permitting. He is 100% tractable and some of the top c*********g men would like to see this dog in action. Ive just srtarted training this dog up as my friend is flat out working. I did 6 miles yesterday with the dog running beside my shogun and he never broke sweat. Injurys apart I hope he has a good season and hope to have a pup out of him when the right bitch comes along.


The corns being cut this weekend and with a drop of rain after im ready to go!

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got saluks and collie crosses my saluks hunt well dont fech of to far were my collie cross wood go to hell and back for game saluks are not collie crosses well i mean good colllie crosses and collies are not saluks cheers


whin you dont half talk some shit!

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I got a saluki bull grey x deerhound/grey 10 month old 26 inch tts he learns well but does have his daft momments but he don't know when to quit he will run and run lol

I wouldn't change him for the world

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I've got s saluki/grey/whip at the minute and i wouldn't say he's stupid but he's certainly not as good at picking things up in the field as a collie/grey. He takes longer to learn and he seems to have less hunting instinct, but he's only young and he's a dog whereas the collie/grey i had was a bitch and i've been told dogs come on a lot slower than bitches in general. But from the two dogs i've had i would say the collie cross at the same age was alot quicker at learning and had better hunting instinct. JMO and i can't really make a defininate decisoion as i've only had 2 dogs!

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A lot of people I know say there Saluki Cross Lurchers are Terrible hunters and are really stupid. Just thought what yous thought of this and are they only good for running down things in the open or can they hunt the bushes want your opinions !!!



Had a few bad experiences with them my self. Been on hot ground before , and the dog starts doin laps around a 50 acre field when it misses something, ignoring any comand. And only seen a handfull that wont kill a ferret,but there are very few around my area as they have little use. So cant judge all..

not having ago or anything mine plays with the ferrets it just early introduction as soon as i got him i started introducing him to them(3 months old)post-54339-0-87050500-1312495940.jpg

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ive had lurchers for over 40 yrs and have had experience with all types of crosses. ive hunted and poached all over the country day and night on all sorts of game. people who criticise salukis or saluki hybryds have either had no experience of them or not capable of getting these dogs to the standard they are capable of achieving in the right hands the majority of them will make the ultimate allrounder . i personally would not have a dog if it didnt have saluki blood in it . all the greats have one thing in common they all have saluki blood in them

Agree 100%.I have a suluki/greyhound hybrid,she is BY FAR the best hunting,catching bitch I have ever had.

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