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part trained gun dog for sale

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Hi, I have a part trained gun dog for sale, also good for stud, 5 years young, liver/white english springer spaniel, fantastic with kids and other dogs, pups and adult dogs and bitches, fully KC registered, all papers, harness, field leader and whistle will go with him, obeys all commands whistle and vocal, does retrieve and also beats bushes (scares) when told to, brilliant dog, very loyal, will make fantastic dog for shooting, stud, field trials or a pet, has trial champions in his blood line and this is proven on his papers which go back 4 generations, very cheap as need quick sale, house move and other commitments forces sale, house trained, will live in home or out in a kennel, £100 please let me know if anyone is interested, thankyou

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  • 3 months later...

I may be interested so will echo the others and ask your location?, also would it be possible to get a trial?, and maybe some pics?,that's if the dog is still available as the thread is now a bit old.

Cheers Mike...

Edited by magus69
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