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Off the beaten track


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With the weather being quite misty today i thought i'd have a wonder 'off the normal track' onto an estate where 15 or so yrs. ago held alot of rabbits, So thought i'd have a wonder with just the bitch & hob, as he doesn't mess about! :yes:;) slipped into one of the woods and was just looking about when this lot went by!!!!!!!!!




I stopped the bitch and told her to stay...............when i saw this lot about 20yds away!!!!!! :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:




After walking about between copse's looking for all the rabbits i was expecting to see, we ended up only seeing 2!!!! rabbits and of these the bitch only had 1!!!!!





All the feckin' rest of the morning I just kept 'bumping' into these feckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










The POOR dog was trembling as i crept up to within 15yds in some cases, behind the gorse,




But did Very well and did as she was told......................Feck knows where all the rabbits have gone, there was hardly anything left of the old warrens either!!!!!!!! :blink::blink::blink:

Thats fecked that idea up!!!!!!!!!!!!!back to looking elsewhere for the little buggers ;):blink:;) :whistle:

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