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Muzzle Flash!!

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Hi all, I have been enjoying this site for a while now, but this is my first post and i'm in need of a little advice!

I have just got back from my permission, i had a good time clearing some of the feral pidgeons the farmer asked me to thin out. I had 11 and missed a cheaky rat! Sorry no photos as I never take a camara.


At the end of the session i was waiting for the rats to surface from the feed containers, but it was getting a bit too dark so i shot a pellet into the soil of the next field to make safe and pack up. This is when i noticed the sparks as the pellet left the muzzle so I fired 3 more, same result.


This can't be normal,i think the silencer might be slightly off line but lead is a soft metal and i didnt think it would cause a spark.Hope i'm not being stupid!


I have a hw90k+standard silencer and use H&N FTT .22



Your thoughts would be appreciated


Regards Harry

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be very careful not to get any oil in the compresion chamber,I had a HW35 which is very simaliar to the 90 and it smashed the spring,damaged the rekord trigger unit and snapped the stock off at the handle..plus scaring the shit out of me...very distructive force is dieseling....... :thumbs:

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