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I am a Wolverine!





Powers: Fighting ability—strength, speed, and toughness


Nobody messes with Wolverines. You're fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. You might be a Marine, or a middle linebacker. You're the best at whatever you choose to do, because you give yourself no alternative.


Best matches: Bears, Cougars, Wolves


Watch out for: Crows, Owls, Swans



:blink: lol

this was kinda fun. there were no coyotes, but thats ok. i like Wolverines too. :Dwolverine_new-opt.jpg

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I'm a Cougar


Characters: Adrek, Endrus in Eyes of Crow


Powers: Stealth, strength, phenomenal jumping ability, as well as enhanced sight and hearing


Grrr, baby—you're the personification of animal magnetism. Your confidence, beauty, and athleticism make you the target of many romantically inclined individuals. Too bad for them—you don't stick around long enough to make breakfast, much less a lifetime commitment. Hello Kitty, Goodbye Heart.


Best matches: Spiders, Wolverines, Hawks


Watch out for: Swans, Horses, Otters

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I'm a fecking Crow! :laugh:





Powers: foreseeing death, communicating with the dead, resurrection


As a Crow, you are analytical, adaptable, and exceedingly clever. You like solving problems, sharing a hearty laugh with friends, and most of all, enjoying a good meal. Your inquisitive, philosophical nature leads you to constantly question authority and the status quo, sometimes just for the sake of asking, "Why?"


Best matches: Foxes, Wolves, Swans


Watch out for: Wolverines, Bears, Hawks

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  mackem said:
Incy-wincy Spider :icon_redface: Why couldnt I have been a Siberian Tiger or Great White or summat? :(


take it again lol a lot of those questions had more than one answer or all of the above for me! second time i took it i was a crow lol

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Nahhh,spider again,oh well,could be worse,I could have been a slug and at Least I get to have a shag from a real-live man-eater (or spider-eater) ;):D


Spider (your score: 23)

Characters: Arcas in Eyes of Crow


Powers: Artistic genius, ability to see patterns and sense trouble from a distance


As a Spider, you're artistic, intuitive, and independent—maybe even a little eccentric. You can become so absorbed in your endeavors that you lose track of the outside world and the people in it. But what you give in return is magic, pure and simple.


Best matches: Cougars, Hawks, Owls


Watch out for: Wolves, Otters,Bears.

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i did it twice and im a f*****g shitty jelly fish :laugh: just kiding im a wolf did it twice and did it diffrently each time and still a wolf a stealthy hunter with speed and family values and good stamina!! a few people said i had good stamina actually :kiss: :laugh::laugh:

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A hawke :boogie:


Powers: Communicate with the divine, discern powers in others, photographic memory


Hawks are the messengers of the Spirits. Adept with language, you might be a writer or a teacher. Your ability to assess situations impartially means that people often seek your guidance before making decisions. A brilliant visionary, you sometimes forget the mundane details of life like eating, sleeping, or paying bills.


Best matches: Owls, Foxes, Spiders


Watch out for: Otters, Bears, Horses

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