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where can i get my border stripped in North East Hampshire?

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Need to get my border stripped, any recommendations??


I do my patterdale myself finger and thumb and just keep pulling away takes a while but she looks good after, and you only get rid of the dead hair someone told me the other day cover her coat in powdered chalk and it comes out better.

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use a blunt hack saw blade and do it your self.....i use a stripping comb like this on my terrier




I know you can do it yourself, but once a year i would prefer to pay someone to do it properly. Does anyone know someone who can get her stripped this week before we go on holiday?

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get a hacksaw blade and do it yourself ,every so often step back and have a look at the top line of the dog etc you cant go wrong it will grow in again

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use a blunt hack saw blade and do it your self.....i use a stripping comb like this on my terrier


chid you cheated last time and shaved your terrier :whistling:



ssshhhhh lass :tongue2: i stripped him this time looks alot better :laugh:

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Chid i seen the evidence of what you did to that poor terrier last time :icon_eek: Poor feckin thing :clapper:

Stripping a terrier is pretty straight forward,just use your first finger and thumb.I believe it helps if you bath or wet the dog first and then towel dry them,word of warning though,do little and often.If the dog doesn't get you the cramp in your fingers will.

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no dont wet the dog or wash the dog...all you get is shiny hair you cant grip....i am presuming his coat is ready to come out now?? you should only strip a dead coat on a border....buy a chalk block from your local farm sote and rub into coat before doing it....i would suggest asking a good local breeder with breed experince (not some pet dog breeder but someone who shows their terriers as they will know exactly how to do it )....failing that pop into devon & ill do it for you! :tongue2:

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no dont wet the dog or wash the dog...all you get is shiny hair you cant grip....i am presuming his coat is ready to come out now?? you should only strip a dead coat on a border....buy a chalk block from your local farm sote and rub into coat before doing it....i would suggest asking a good local breeder with breed experince (not some pet dog breeder but someone who shows their terriers as they will know exactly how to do it )....failing that pop into devon & ill do it for you! :tongue2:


thanks for all the advice, I just don't want to do it myself. it looks like she will be going back to the place that did her a year ago in west london.


thanks again.



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Just thought i would add that a dog should only be hand stripped every 6mths if not longer.........


These are pretty good.....we use them at work.....




or these....you want the coat master 26 blade......wont take the coat hand stripped short though.....




Atb Miss T x

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