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wots happenin too our country

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has anyone seen on the news or in the papers all th foreign twats demonstrating in london.how can they walk around chanting slogans and banners praising all the murders they have commited and not one arrest.if they want to live like muslims why dont they feck off home and do it.our government will arrest us for workin our dogs but not these c#nts for killing innocent people.are we the only lads and lasses who will speak up for the country we love.my kids are told the truth about these wan#ers and i want them to grow up in a country ruled by us and not some foreign rag head tosser. [bANNED TEXT] do you lot think on this matter

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has anyone seen on the news or in the papers all th foreign twats demonstrating in london.how can they walk around chanting slogans and banners praising all the murders they have commited and not one arrest.if they want to live like muslims why dont they feck off home and do it.our government will arrest us for workin our dogs but not these c#nts for killing innocent people.are we the only lads and lasses who will speak up for the country we love.my kids are told the truth about these wan#ers and i want them to grow up in a country ruled by us and not some foreign rag head tosser. [bANNED TEXT] do you lot think on this matter

well said mate.There commiting murder all over the world,killing non muslims and the countries that published the cartoons are getting stick for printing them and being accused of racism.

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has anyone seen on the news or in the papers all th foreign twats demonstrating in london.how can they walk around chanting slogans and banners praising all the murders they have commited and not one arrest.if they want to live like muslims why dont they feck off home and do it.our government will arrest us for workin our dogs but not these c#nts for killing innocent people.are we the only lads and lasses who will speak up for the country we love.my kids are told the truth about these wan#ers and i want them to grow up in a country ruled by us and not some foreign rag head tosser. [bANNED TEXT] do you lot think on this matter

go over to their country and try claiming benefits or opening a christian church or better still a bnp office.

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seems strange that when somone on the tv says the muslim faith is represive theres uproar an protests.....few weeks later and there out on the streets with sighs saying death to non muslims behead the infidels and that urope will fall to there might.....what a bunch of c*$ts...f**k off back to your non christian country if you dont like it here

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It's not a foreign thing - it's a religious thing.

Muslims born in the UK and Muslims born outside the UK are still Muslims. Did you see the baby on the front page of the papers yesterday with 'I love Al Q'aida' on it's hat? F*ckin parents should be shot - full feckin stop!

I have nothing against foreigners coming here to work or live (some of you will know, Mrs Misty's Bulgarian - so she'd hammer me for saying anything else :D ) but when they start chanting all this hatred against our country, something MUST be done!

Time to stand up and defend our country.

Like many of yours, my Grandfather, his brothers and my Great-uncle fought in WW2.

Their fathers before them fought in the trenches of France in The Great War.

For what?

For us to be dictated to by these rag-headed f*ckers?

I think not!

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im sure some of them were born here,but if they want to live here then why dont the c#nts live by our rules.if i slit a sheeps throat and left it to die for ours i would be locked up.surely that is worse then putting my dog to ground but i can be nicked for that and my dogs taken off me.from now onwards i will do [bANNED TEXT] me and the family want to do and not [bANNED TEXT] any wa#ker tells me i can do.my kids will be brought up to believe the same ways as well.fu#k the *** and when the foxes are extinct lets start huntin rag heads.best get some more dogs as that could be a long job and none would be left for another day .cheers mouse

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Guest scottywong

mark my words lads this is the real start of there war its been blown up out of all proprtion as usual! and i doubt it will calm down this time its war time stand by your flag its time!!!




scotty :realmad:

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mark my words lads this is the real start of there war its been blown up out of all proprtion as usual! and i doubt it will calm down this time its war time stand by your flag its time!!!




scotty :realmad:

The Labour party take our way of life away from us,while pandering to there every whim.Ive been watching the news all day and there just doing what they like cos nobody will say anything to them.I blame the powers that be for this mess as they have no intention of stopping this farce at all.Ive decided enough is enough and joined the BNP.How is it they can burn flags threaten murder etc and Griffin and co havent done half that but they are awaiting another court case.Might just be the best £25 ive spent.

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why send all our lads and lasses to iraq to get killed when they can stay at home and shoot the c#nts here.if they want war then lets give it to them here so we can get back our proper way of life and bring up our kids the right way.let us never ever give in .england ,wales,scotland,ireland,lets all stick together to win this battle.keep huntin, keep diggin, keep fighting

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lads iv to much to lose buy killing or fihgting muslims but if we dont start doing somthing soon to controll this and start getting our rights and power back i think we all might end up paying the price.


i support any action any at all that rids use of the vile dirty race .

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Couldnt give a toss myself ,the streets are full of drug taking filth prostitutes and peadophiles atleast these muslims would kill that lot of scum,so what I will pray 5 times a day hunting hasnt been banned in any muslim country so tell me whos the mugs?


Allah akbar, god is mercifull lol

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