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Badger Cull Petition

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Asking for the help of all UK countrysports people and shooters


As everyone knows the government is digging its heels in about implimenting the badger cull. Whilst these decision makers are sat in there offices in the middle of london making all the decisions and most have never even seen a real badger !

By getting a petition with 10 thousand signatures on it will make the difference of wether the cull goes ahead or not

Please do your bit by signing the form at



Many thanks


*note to moderators please dont remove this thread as it will benefit all members that use it

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  theshooter said:
Asking for the help of all UK countrysports people and shooters


As everyone knows the government is digging its heels in about implimenting the badger cull. Whilst these decision makers are sat in there offices in the middle of london making all the decisions and most have never even seen a real badger !

By getting a petition with 10 thousand signatures on it will make the difference of wether the cull goes ahead or not

Please do your bit by signing the form at



Many thanks


*note to moderators please dont remove this thread as it will benefit all members that use it



Dear Mr Newbie...theshooter


Whilst I expect your intentions are good you have just arrived and have neither put up an arguement for this petition, explained why, OR filled in your personal profile.

The wording of the Petition is limited. I am fairly experienced when it comes to the Badger and have a set of monsterous proportions on one of my shoots. Cave like, and the cows fall in a lot...I suspect most on this site also have an idea of the diseases SOME Badger carry.


My limited understanding of the cull is simply that we will end up with less Badgers, but a similar percentage are likely to remain infected.


Difficut to believe perhaps, but I simply don't know enough to vote, and I will certainly NOT be voting in favour of a cull at this time!!!

Edited by Deker
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  rizzini said:
A vaccine for bovines.



No, not yet. Earliest date quoted for a vaccine for cattle is 2015 and for badgers 2014.

Earlier this month the government announced a further £20M funding for research over the next 3 years. This will take the overall spending on vaccine research to £38M+.

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Guest oldskool
  Corkonian said:
Personally I'd be against the cull - we have had them really going at it here in Ireland the last few years - it's a messy business and they're wiping them out in some areas.

You can read some reactions to it here -







i'm with you mate... havent seen a badger in ages especially when my area used to be full of them... i also wouldnt give the government my consent to do a job on my farm specially when they denied any good terrierman to do it... and terriermen would have done the job for free... how does this cull get funded??? is it tax money or money we pay for housing rates??? whatever the f**k it is, its a job that could have been done for free and just as humane... AND how much money is goin to be lost due to anti's sabotaging traps etc... last time i priced a trap it was £120 a pop each



end of :thumbs:

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  oldskool said:
  Corkonian said:
Personally I'd be against the cull - we have had them really going at it here in Ireland the last few years - it's a messy business and they're wiping them out in some areas.

You can read some reactions to it here -







i'm with you mate... havent seen a badger in ages especially when my area used to be full of them... i also wouldnt give the government my consent to do a job on my farm specially when they denied any good terrierman to do it... and terriermen would have done for the job for free... how does this cull get funded??? is it tax money or money we pay for housing rates??? whatever the f**k it is, its a job that could have been done for free and just as humane... AND how much money is goin to be lost due to anti's sabotaging traps etc... last time i priced a trap it was £120 a pop each



end of :thumbs:

Im pretty much in agreement with you there! Although there are good populations in my area.

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diseases spread through populations when they are excessively high so reducing the number of animals in an area reduce the risk of disease


examples of this are mange in foxes and myxi in rabbits



there is a vaccine for TB but the problem is that it is so expensive it is more economical to pay farmers compensations for losses


I believe that there should be a cull of badgers but have it as an open season say one month people can shoot them such as september you can shoot as many as you like............i write down the times and dates i see what i see and i believe that having one month to shoot them would give you roughly 2 weeks of actually seeing them, not many people can be out every night and all night as the time to see the most is between 12 and three in the morning...............now most shooters are not professional(including keepers farmers etc) so would not be able to shoot through the night every night this leaves most of the cull to be done most productively on about 4 nights of the year also badgers were heavily persecuted with poison, traps and guns...........across most of the country now there is alot of the country not shot over or farmed and badgers abound through the towns and nature reserves therefore a cull of this propotion would be sustainable



BUT i will not be signing because as stated there is a newbie asking for names and email where potentially address are obtainable and This is the internet where things can be altered from the original truth and i want no part of it!!

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