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nice one pete!!.........lol


get yourself a knife with a gutting hook!!


no danger of opening anything else but the stomach, and its like having a zip on your rabbit.


i cut from genitals right up into the rib cage and pull everything out ( heart and lungs aswell)


its also good practice to inspect the liver for any signs of disease.


keep at it mate.........it will become seccond nature before to long, if you get a big bag of rabbits one night you'll pick it up quickly.


have a look on you tube..........theres some quite good techniques on there.


keep at 'em mate


all the best



Thats how i do it sean hold back legs straight down with knife and get it all out

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you most likely opened the guts when you stuck the knife in. there are some vids on youtube.com about gutting. DONT CUT THE INTESTINES FOR GOD SAKE MAN. you will only do it once. or i watched a vid where you stick the blade in dont give a worry about piercing the guts, give a big old slice right down the beast. then grab its legs and give it a good firm lash and all the guts should fly out in one foul swoop



Spot on.... :thumbs:

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You only had two to do wait till you get a few more ,i get a bucket pop a pair of gloves on and crack on .As even after having a bath you can still smell that rabbity smell on your hands

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cheers Pete

the best way i find is gut them when there still warm. get a sharp knife and make a small cut just below the rib cage about an inch long put 2 fingers in and rip the belly open. then put 3 fingers between liver and gut and pull. that's the way i did it when i was doing 200 a day every day. they don't smell as bad when still warm. good luck! :hunter:


Yep use the same technique, though I leave the liver in and pull on the stomach.

When I've got a few to do I tend to nick and tear the skin of them all, then thread 4 necks at a time between the fingers of my left hand and pull out the innards with the right. Not so easy if they have been hmr'd .

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Just tried another knife idea on some bunnies.

I used a snap off blade craft knife.

Just get the min ammount of blade showing and lock in position.

Prob shows about 4 - 5mm blade.

Hold rabbit with back legs downward.

Run knife quickly down from between ribs towards back end.

Seems to work a treat havent caught gut once yet!

Once the blades a bit blunt snap off and start with a fresh sharp section!

Cheap as chips as well!

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