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Hi all,


Just thought i'd post an update. As your probably aware i picked my trio of kits up last sunday and after some thorough handling and general playtime they have now stopped nipping completely, favouring a good old lick much to my relief! I was begining to look like a self harmer at the start of the week, with all the scratches and bite marks up my arms lol. They are all doin really well and are turning out to be some right little characters.


Sandy, the lighter jill is a belter. She's learnt her name quickly and is always first to show when called. Baillie, the darker sable/polecat jill is just a big ol' bundle of mischief and aint happy till she's had her nose in every single nook and crannie. Last but not least Shakey, the silver hob is still rather timid but slowly gaining in confidence and just loves a good old fuss, i've lost count of the ammount of times he's fell asleep on me whilst handling (but then living with two hyperactive females i bet he's glad of the rest once i get him in my arms hehe ;)).


As it's been rather unusually hot this last few days i thought i would introduce all three of them to some nice cool water, in the shape of my 3 year old nephew's Thomas the Tank paddling pool! Oh my god what a laugh, bless em... They took to it like, well, ferrets to water!! Although on several occasions "Otters" sprung to mind lol! I did film em on me phone, so once i work out how to i will post it and share the joy!


Another thing that amazes me is how, at just over 8 weeks old, efficient they are at stripping a carcas of all evident meat! i gave them a brace of Honeybrook quail for tea last night just before dark then at about 8am i took them some breakfast of softened biscuits and watered down milk and literally all that was left was 2 breast bones with two wings on each and a couple of pelvis' with a pair of legs! They had scoffed the lot! There were hardly any feathers in the hutch at all, now thats efficient!


Anyway thats enough for now it's gettin late lol! Just want to thank you all for a wicked forum, there's so much info available at the click of a button it has done wonders for my confidence in raising, by far, THE most interesting animals on the planet :D :D


Take care,



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Hi all,


Just thought i'd post an update. As your probably aware i picked my trio of kits up last sunday and after some thorough handling and general playtime they have now stopped nipping completely, favouring a good old lick much to my relief! I was begining to look like a self harmer at the start of the week, with all the scratches and bite marks up my arms lol. They are all doin really well and are turning out to be some right little characters.


Sandy, the lighter jill is a belter. She's learnt her name quickly and is always first to show when called. Baillie, the darker sable/polecat jill is just a big ol' bundle of mischief and aint happy till she's had her nose in every single nook and crannie. Last but not least Shakey, the silver hob is still rather timid but slowly gaining in confidence and just loves a good old fuss, i've lost count of the ammount of times he's fell asleep on me whilst handling (but then living with two hyperactive females i bet he's glad of the rest once i get him in my arms hehe ;)).


As it's been rather unusually hot this last few days i thought i would introduce all three of them to some nice cool water, in the shape of my 3 year old nephew's Thomas the Tank paddling pool! Oh my god what a laugh, bless em... They took to it like, well, ferrets to water!! Although on several occasions "Otters" sprung to mind lol! I did film em on me phone, so once i work out how to i will post it and share the joy!


Another thing that amazes me is how, at just over 8 weeks old, efficient they are at stripping a carcas of all evident meat! i gave them a brace of Honeybrook quail for tea last night just before dark then at about 8am i took them some breakfast of softened biscuits and watered down milk and literally all that was left was 2 breast bones with two wings on each and a couple of pelvis' with a pair of legs! They had scoffed the lot! There were hardly any feathers in the hutch at all, now thats efficient!


Anyway thats enough for now it's gettin late lol! Just want to thank you all for a wicked forum, there's so much info available at the click of a button it has done wonders for my confidence in raising, by far, THE most interesting animals on the planet :D :D


Take care,





Good read Chris

Matt :thumbs:

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Well they arnt going to to wrong with you are they, quail for tea & a paddling pool , sounds like heaven , well done for sticking with it , hope you have many happy years together :victory:

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