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i dont think anything is wrong with her, but everyone who THINKS they know anything says she's too small.. or too skinny..

i just wanted to ask here before i said my piece.

She's Poland ChinaXLandrace






so does she need to be fatter? taller? i got her as a weaner back in January.. so..... yeah what do you think?

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I' ve noticed that the growth rates of the Gloucester Old Spots here, vary a great deal within each litter. Some can be double the size of their littermates. It looks like you only have the one, so competition for food should not be a problem. I believe outdoor pigs are generally leaner and obviously they are slower growing- the upside to that is a better textured and less fatty pork. Not meaning to state the obvious, but do you need to increase feed?


I'll try and remember to take some 'photos later- there are plenty of pigs here that have a similar physical build, but there are never any complaints about the quality of the carcasses.

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Your pig looks leaner because this is the landrace blood lines coming true more stronger than the others. Landrace are bred and mostly crossed with large white, duroc breds for leaner heaver carcases, little fat with high growth performance to pork ratio's.


Your pig will generally be smaller and leaner but if weighed may be heavier to a pig of similar size of another breed.


9-12 months take your madian gilt to a young hog to mate for piglets, make sure its a pedigree landrace boar, Perferably a red star perfomance boar, you should get good pigs with good less time needed to get to pork size.




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  Knifebar said:
Your pig looks leaner because this is the landrace blood lines coming true more stronger than the others. Landrace are bred and mostly crossed with large white, duroc breds for leaner heaver carcases, little fat with high growth performance to pork ratio's.


Your pig will generally be smaller and leaner but if weighed may be heavier to a pig of similar size of another breed.


9-12 months take your madian gilt to a young hog to mate for piglets, make sure its a pedigree landrace boar, Perferably a red star perfomance boar, you should get good pigs with good less time needed to get to pork size.





Thanks everyone! i knew i wasnt crazy!



Knife, yes thats what I want to do..... but my husband (city kid) has been talking to some of the local bubba's about MY pig and wont listen to me - which translates into you guys because this is where i come for info lol -

he told one of these guys that i wanted to breed her: raise of some piglets, sell a few and keep a couple for our table. "Bubba" said "You dont wanna let her do that! it'll ruin the meat!"

:icon_eek: I hadnt really planned on eating my pig! thats why i got a female. i figured if it came down to it... yeah she could be dinner.... i saw it that she's probably worth more with a litter or two..... Now i'm not going to turn into a pig farmer, but yeah.... i'd like to raise some piglets.

whats wrong with that? :censored:


I hadnt considered what breed of boar to get actually. i thought about just finding one for free - little wild piglets, people catch them all the time in the wild. they fatten them up to be butchered. but i havent done any research on whether or not that would be a good idea. if push came to shove i could always go back to the man who sold her to me and see if he'd let me borrow a boar lol


and someone had said more feed - i think she's being over fed actually. she always has leftovers the next day, that is pig feed left over. she cant seem to get enough of our leftovers lol :thumbs:



She's my first pig, but really not that hard to handle. my mom and her family raised pigs on their farm AGES ago... free ranged over pasture. i think she called them "Piney Wood Rooters"... dont know if thats a breed or not. but she said "Ours were always bigger!" .............. :angry: maybe i need to tell her about breed differences.... ?

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My husband says his real problem with raising pigs is "is it worth it?"

like if she has a thirteen piglets and cant sell them then we'll be stuck with thirteen oinkers ...but i dont know... i dont think there would be an issue with selling them lol

hell, i would donate them to families that are doing without! :yes:

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Breeding is everything!! Dont just put any boar to her for the sake of it.


Pig breeding is very technical, the more performance tested stock you have the better as costs are everything. Use a Landrace boar, if you kill the pigs for yourself you will have leaner meats and more of it.


You need food conversation to pork, daily weight gains. Also you must use proper pig meal with all the right ingredients ie minerals and vitamins. Other wise you will end up with a pig with a large belly and poor meat proportions where meats should be.


Remember the casrcase should should be long, long pigs mean good grades and pork.



Best of luck




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thanks again for the info

as you can see i'm not a pig breeder lol i just want something for my freezer. i have never been a fan of pork in any form. but i have been told that wild or home grown is a world apart from the factory farmed pork. so i'm giving this a try!

if we had the land for it we'd just raise wild hogs and let them do the breeding and raising themselves.. but..... we dont have the land for it lol the most i could do would be get permission to shoot one. but i've never hunted pigs before! that isnt something i would want to do alone.


i am definitely going to get in touch with the man i bought her from. maybe we could work out some sort of deal on finding the proper boar and what to do with any piglets we dont intend to keep.

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  • 1 month later...

whats the weight of the pig bluecoyote ,you should also keep in mind that when she reaches a certain weight she will put on more fat and i presume your in a part of the world were tempertures are quite high but when tempertures a falling to freezing your pig will stop growing due to the fact that all the energie she takes in will be transformed in heat also in the past whe raised our own pigs whe always let them grow to 100 kilogram and then brought them to the slaughterhouse whe mostly fed vegetables, old food from the chinees resturants and a small amount of kibble bloody tasty meat i should say, but due to european laws its all over now brussels f****d it all up :angry2:

Edited by hollands hope
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