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I now see why Ferreting isn't recommended in Summer....

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Had a trip out today, both ferrets are new to working but regardless I thought I'd give them a taster of what was to come this winter.


I've walked at least 5 or 6 miles easily and my feet are killing me, came back empty handed too.


Empty warrens, holes which couldn't be seen and every bloody rabbit I actually spotted ran behind a bunch of brambles. Couldn't quite put my finger on it as the warrens which were pretty open looked fresh and had definately had activity recently, but there was nobody home in any of them. I netted up around 6 warrens, ALL empty.


Good day out, shame about the empty bag on the way back to the car :(

Edited by Jaffa22
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Had a trip out today, both ferrets are new to working but regardless I thought I'd give them a taster of what was to come this winter.


I've walked at least 5 or 6 miles easily and my feet are killing me, came back empty handed too.


Empty warrens, holes which couldn't be seen and every bloody rabbit I actually spotted ran behind a bunch of brambles. Couldn't quite put my finger on it as the warrens which were pretty open looked fresh and had definately had activity recently, but there was nobody home in any of them. I netted up around 6 warrens, ALL empty.


Good day out, shame about the empty bag on the way back to the car :(


All part of the fun :clapper:

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aye you need a dog mate waste of time going ferretin without a dog in my opinion, i dont like my dogs takin anythin to do with rabbits (terriers) cause it can cause problems with foxing but iv got 1 who willl mark rabbit but wont go to ground for them sheel just give a mark and thatll be it so i take her jsut now until i get my lurcher, but iv been before without dogs and its murder if its wholes you can shoot the boltin rabbit or a lurchers there then its fine as you dont need to piss about with nets you can just give your ferret a quick run through but if your settin nets at every hole it can be a c**t, if your gonna take ferretin up and do a lot of it i would recommend gettin yourself a little friend lol.

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