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Guest mickyrich

Well my unusual catch was 15 year ago ferreting on a old railway, It was a sett that i new had rabbits in but the holes were a bit onthe large side but gave it ago anyway, and to mine and my fathers shock we bolted 5 wild cats big ugly things, but once they bolted we still got a few rabbits out the sett

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a gt a 2 an a half year old ess he has caut 2seagulls 3 crows 2 magpies 1 cock phesant 2 feameal pheasent 3 wood pidgon 1 flat fish in the river also dus ma naoubers hens count most out off air out off bushes in water that is the honst truth :gunsmilie:



you got one hell of a stutter ! :whistling:

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My Saluki Whippet Greyhound has had a few Birds including these, Geese, Pheasant, Woodcock, Grouse, Partridge, Ducks, Pigeons Feral and Woodies and my Guinea Fowl.

The best though was when my Bedlington pulled a rabbit from a drain with a Weasel on and was more intent on killing the Weasel and ended up loosing the Rabbit.

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it wasnt as much a catch as a find,i was out one day a few yrs back it was the eclipse of the sun.my wife told me one of the neighbours asked her to come and get one of my ferrets that must have escaped,when i came in and saw it,it was a weasel,i thought a cat must have got a hold of it but it didnt have a mark on it,after about 5 minutes it started jumping about mad trying to get out of the box she put it in,i took it to the field and let it go i dont if it got disorientated with the eclipse or it had been hurted or what but it seemed strange at the time

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