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Thieving scumbags!

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Was paid a visit tonight at around 11.50pm. The dogs were barking in their runs so my partner went to the bedroom window to tell them to be quiet as we were still up. To her surprise, one of our padlocked runs was wide open and two of our dogs missing. She shouted to me and as soon as I ran out, luckily the dogs came running from the top of the garden from where the scumbag had made his escape. No sign of anyone anywhere. Police came, nothing much they could do. I live in Mountain Ash, South Wales and know there's a lot of boys from this area use this site. If anyone can PM me any information about said scumbags who tried to steal my dogs I would be very grateful as I'd love to catch up with them. I just hope they grabbed the big Lurcher by the scruff to try and take him as he's only too happy to bite when he's handled a bit rough!


Please lads, PM me if you know anything. I'll be up all night.




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Thanks for all your kind advice. Got some Poachers Alarms ordered, got my CCTV camera up with audio set up too, even stronger padlocks than the one they cut off, motorbike chains wrapped around the gates with even larger padlocks, also alarmed all runs. Got the lamp ready and a nice surprise waiting for them if they come back! Stayed up til 6 this morning; I'm sure that's gonna be the same tonight. No PMs yet with a name of a culprit but I'm sure someone out there will hear someone boasting. Pleas PM me if anybody knows anything.


Cheers again,


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Thanks for all your kind advice. Got some Poachers Alarms ordered, got my CCTV camera up with audio set up too, even stronger padlocks than the one they cut off, motorbike chains wrapped around the gates with even larger padlocks, also alarmed all runs. Got the lamp ready and a nice surprise waiting for them if they come back! Stayed up til 6 this morning; I'm sure that's gonna be the same tonight. No PMs yet with a name of a culprit but I'm sure someone out there will hear someone boasting. Pleas PM me if anybody knows anything.


Cheers again,



your only over the moantain from me my old man has recently moved to abercynon area and some one has attempted to take his terriers twice i dont know what this world is coming to if you get any names please post them as this has to be stopped

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I know their is dogs thiefs everywere but it Seems to me as if all these scum are from wales area, Probaly the same guy, Who is doing most of it, bad news they deserve ther legs broke. Hope they get cot pretty soon for evryones sake.


Good luck in finding the rat.

Edited by felltool
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like has been said before on these threads they need to be set up and caught in the act ,far to many people getting their dogs nicked and not returned or even sightings afterwards and rewards dont even seem to bring them forward anymore. they cant be keeping them all themselves, there must be a good market for stolen dogs :thumbdown:

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Guest smashygadge

yes i have to agree with everything said .its a sad time when a man has to go out and nick dogs .what do they gain from it what do they do with them .they want putting in a kennel and see how they like disturbing at night .and for the owner i feel for you .is a mans home his home nowadays as these thieving scumbags dont seem to get whats due .just seems justice dosnt work now .the theives get an easy time now if they get caught.i put a kennel up this week my first one to wake up in the morning to find out the local kids had been using it as a climbing frame so on goes the fencing etc to keep them out of my own back garden .it is utter madness.so i have now put one up and to be honest still not sure of using it :thumbs: and i really hope you manage to track the theiving scum nothing worse than wondering whats yours is safe :victory:

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Guest smashygadge
there lucks gonna run out one day, im looking forward to the post that reads ,dog thieving scumbags captured and smashed to feck.... keep your guard up mate.



thats the trouble jacob they no if you catch them and use any force on them .

then its the owner protecting his property in the wrong nowadays :thumbs:

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