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A1 Falconry UK Telemetry Systems

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A1/Jerros kit is not the best; the tags are very large and heavy and I do have serious doubts about the ability of the system to do anything more than short-range line of sight. For a Harris' they are just not worth the money, although they could be useful to help find a bird on a kill in heavy cover at short range, but one would be mad to use such a system for a longwing. A well manned Harris' at the right weight won't go very far. Buy cheap telemetry at the start and you will end up having to buy twice, spend the money on some decent kit: I use Biotrack but they no longer supply kit for falconry. Try Ben Long, Marshalls, Eskan or Falconry Electronics.

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  scotlandforever said:
Hi all :victory:


seen this system on the internet and at £255 looks good but is it, You can pick your own frequency and that as they make to order from what i read at the bottom of there page.


was hoping someone could shed some light on it.







Jason :victory: :victory:


hi jason

could you please tell me were you got the tele sys from and is it any good as i am looking for a sys myself.

many thanks alan

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