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It`s been hard work

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My Lurcher pup, now about 11 month old, he`s a Bitza bred out of Chris hardy`s stuff,

I have to be honest he`s been a right pain in the Fecking A**** :angry:

Too clingy for my liking forever wanting to be with me, some like that i dont, yaping at night not a lot but just enough to keep you awake, :angry:

which led me to buying an anti bark collar, which has worked Great, now though i`ve gotten so used to being woken in the middle of the night i still wake up even though the little fecker is`nt barking, :wacko: :realmad:

The little fecker likes to eat his own shit, or any other animals come to that, :bad::bad: but rock sulphar in the water seems to have cured that,

and just lots of annoying little things that just grate on ya nerves, :crazy:

But i`ll forgive all these sins if he steps up this coming season,




Above Joe at 8 Weeks,




About six Months,




And yesterday at about 11 month old,

As you can see i think i`ve done my bit, fingers crossed he`ll do his,


Yis Mars.

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He's a nice lookin' fella Mars ... you love him, really ... :D




Yes `ill agree and other people will agree with you too, BUT handsome is as handsome does, thats the saying i think.

And no i dont love him really, i feckein hate the mutt,

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He's a nice lookin' fella Mars ... you love him, really ... :D




Yes `ill agree and other people will agree with you too, BUT handsome is as handsome does, thats the saying i think.

And no i dont love him really, i feckein hate the mutt,


Yer, you hate him so much you've put up with him all this time ... you're not foolin' anyone. He's a really gorgeous looking dog, and what a pretty rosette he's won for you :thumbs:

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i have seen this dog and can safly say he is tidy looking mutt am sure he ant getting on your tits as much as mine does, he drives me crazy. it apears your out the other side and can begin to reap the rewards mines 8.5 months now so atleast 4months left. all the best mate :big_boss:

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smashing looking dog. sure the hard work will pay off. personally i like my dogs to always want to be with me, if they love ya, and look up to ya then they'll respect and listen. keep us updated on how he gets on.

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................and if he turns out brilliant then it will have been worth all the hard work! Some of my best ones have been a pain in the arse until they really started working: almost as if all the irritating ways they had before that time were because they didn't know what they were born for. Whingers, destroyers of everything they could lay their mouths on, wind up merchants (no shit eaters though!): when it all comes together doesn't that make it all worth while.

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He's a nice lookin' fella Mars ... you love him, really ... :D




Yes `ill agree and other people will agree with you too, BUT handsome is as handsome does, thats the saying i think.

And no i dont love him really, i feckein hate the mutt,


Yer, you hate him so much you've put up with him all this time ... you're not foolin' anyone. He's a really gorgeous looking dog, and what a pretty rosette he's won for you :thumbs:

youve borrowd that blue lead and roset off some one. :thumbs-up:

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................and if he turns out brilliant then it will have been worth all the hard work! Some of my best ones have been a pain in the arse until they really started working: almost as if all the irritating ways they had before that time were because they didn't know what they were born for. Whingers, destroyers of everything they could lay their mouths on, wind up merchants (no shit eaters though!): when it all comes together doesn't that make it all worth while.





Wise words oh great cat from within the sky, :tongue2: LOL

A couple of weekends ago whilst walking along the canal, he found an injured pigeon in the hedge, it pecked him on the nose and he ran straight back to me, :huh: :glare:

so things arn`t looking to promising on that front either, :doh:

I`ll give him plenty of opertunity as he`ll probably be the only dog i`ll be able to work this winter, but if he does`nt get his act together it`ll be down the road to a pet home i think,


Yis Mars.

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Did he come from decent working parents? But even if he did: my adult dogs are really strange with feathered things that peck back: only got one which will take crows: the others, including good furred vermin dogs just back off once they realise what it is. Yet they'll take pheasant and partridge all day long. Maybe they just don't see them as quarry either. I've also had dogs who were still silly puppies at the same age as yours, so there's still hope. LOL

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Did he come from decent working parents? But even if he did: my adult dogs are really strange with feathered things that peck back: only got one which will take crows: the others, including good furred vermin dogs just back off once they realise what it is. Yet they'll take pheasant and partridge all day long. Maybe they just don't see them as quarry either. I've also had dogs who were still silly puppies at the same age as yours, so there's still hope. LOL


Well i saw his sire catch a few "pre ban" strong winter hares, but like you say i does`nt always mean you`ll get a decent pup,

On the day he was flumoxed by the pigeon i had my bull cross with me, and she was`nt sure about what to do with an injured pigeon, :icon_eek:

So i asked her to pick it up as she is soft mouthed with owt that does`nt bite back and the pup witnessed her do this but was still confused, !!!!!!!!!!!

I hav`nt given up hope yet and he`ll have this winter to see if the penny will drop,


Yis Mars.

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My Lurcher pup, now about 11 month old, he`s a Bitza bred out of Chris hardy`s stuff,

I have to be honest he`s been a right pain in the Fecking A**** :angry:

Too clingy for my liking forever wanting to be with me, some like that i dont, yaping at night not a lot but just enough to keep you awake, :angry:

which led me to buying an anti bark collar, which has worked Great, now though i`ve gotten so used to being woken in the middle of the night i still wake up even though the little fecker is`nt barking, :wacko: :realmad:

The little fecker likes to eat his own shit, or any other animals come to that, :bad::bad: but rock sulphar in the water seems to have cured that,

and just lots of annoying little things that just grate on ya nerves, :crazy:

But i`ll forgive all these sins if he steps up this coming season,




Above Joe at 8 Weeks,




About six Months,




And yesterday at about 11 month old,

As you can see i think i`ve done my bit, fingers crossed he`ll do his,


Yis Mars.

All pups are a pain but if you really dont like him and his ways I would get rid of him. I say that because sometimes you just cant take to a dog just like you cant take to some people.I have had that problem a few times and it has never resolved itself by sticking at it. much better to part company earlier than later.It seems a bit as though you are expecting the dog to perform well to pay you back for what you have suffered but you forget that it is still a pup and as a long way to go yet.When in the past i have stuck at it the atmosphere just gets worse until it also brings other dogs in the kennel down aswell. For me they have usually been the timid type that are clingy one minute and distant the next. I know some Beardie blood can produce some strange ones that also turn out to be outstanding workers in the right hands.But those hands wouldnt be mine im afraid.You have to know youre limits and I havnt got the longest fuse in the box,perhaps you have.Some folks like to think they are dog whisperes and can treat canine mentalness but all they end up doing is pandering to the whims of a born nurotic where as they may have been better off parting company and getting hold of a dog that suits you a bit more.Its only my opinion and probably wrong it usually is but good luck anyway.
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All pups are a pain but if you really dont like him and his ways I would get rid of him. I say that because sometimes you just cant take to a dog just like you cant take to some people.I have had that problem a few times and it has never resolved itself by sticking at it. much better to part company earlier than later.It seems a bit as though you are expecting the dog to perform well to pay you back for what you have suffered but you forget that it is still a pup and as a long way to go yet.When in the past i have stuck at it the atmosphere just gets worse until it also brings other dogs in the kennel down aswell. For me they have usually been the timid type that are clingy one minute and distant the next. I know some Beardie blood can produce some strange ones that also turn out to be outstanding workers in the right hands.But those hands wouldnt be mine im afraid.You have to know youre limits and I havnt got the longest fuse in the box,perhaps you have.Some folks like to think they are dog whisperes and can treat canine mentalness but all they end up doing is pandering to the whims of a born nurotic where as they may have been better off parting company and getting hold of a dog that suits you a bit more.Its only my opinion and probably wrong it usually is but good luck anyway.

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Thanks for the input threbb, i have considered moving him on, but then i would feel like i`de failed the dog,

I`ve decided this winter is make or break for the dog "and me" and if he does`nt come up to scratch then i`ll be finding him a pet home,

But like you say he may even make a decent worker in someone elses hands, and next spring he still wont be to old for someone to give it a go with him,



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