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i had a pure dobi that would do anything you would expect a good bull cross to do..... he would also guard like his life depended on it, he was quieter than most bullx's i ve seen and his recall was top notch....... i fancy he was a one off :thumbs:



i have heard it all now,you must have seen some bad bullcrosses


ive seen some good ones (infcat some that a few hold in high regard)and had some good ones.....but in answer to your question.... yes ive seen LOTS of bad ones. i suppose it depends what you want from a bullx.... but as ive said he would do everything i would expect a bullx to do.


as for the hearing it all piss taking bit............ i think your an idiot :thumbs:

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THE most loyal of dogs dawn...?? i think everyone on here who has a fave breed will pick their own, but for me if you get a good jack russell then he'll give his life for ya.

Yeah I hear what you are saying Ben, but my two Dobes were fantastic. One I rescued, chained up for 3yrs and had "wobblers syndrome" yet he protected me with his life when we were approached yobs that had been drinking, and the only time I saw him show fear was when my brother came in and he had been drinking, I think the smell reminded him of the beatings he used to get from the drunken idiots that owned him before. Faced with the threat to me, he charged to the end of the lead and didnt budge an inch. My first one was the same, loyal and faithfull to his family, I havent met a breed that matches that since. I have owned Labs, Crossbreeds, Jack Russell and now Borders, all wonderful, but the devotion to me has not been equally in any of them.

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I had one few years back was a total and utter waste of time the dog was not a bit interested in game but mad for people and tended to go for them was deadly dangerous around kids ..........Wouldnt have one in my way :censored:

Then you were very unlucky. They are the most loyal and defensive Dogs to their family, they'd give their life for you. Like anything else when you get a bad one, it usually is!!


This is the one I co-own, he's almost 7 and tis was him Sunday racing at the Greyhound track.








To be honest dawn there not worth the lead....... i know a few people who used breed them and they where b*****ds of dogs they suffered from seperation anxiaty and the missus was attacked by one when the husband was away as he did most of the handling and training yet she fed them ...... you cant beat the bulls for a bit of heart and loyalty sure they would happily be fed and trianed by whoever like most lurchers but the dobermans never a safe dog....

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Guest bobsuperdog
i had a pure dobi that would do anything you would expect a good bull cross to do..... he would also guard like his life depended on it, he was quieter than most bullx's i ve seen and his recall was top notch....... i fancy he was a one off :thumbs:



i have heard it all now,you must have seen some bad bullcrosses


ive seen some good ones (infcat some that a few hold in high regard)and had some good ones.....but in answer to your question.... yes ive seen LOTS of bad ones. i suppose it depends what you want from a bullx.... but as ive said he would do everything i would expect a bullx to do.


as for the hearing it all piss taking bit............ i think your an idiot :thumbs:


and i think your a clown to put a good bull cross in the same league as a doberman x greyhound

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To be honest dawn there not worth the lead....... i know a few people who used breed them and they where b*****ds of dogs they suffered from seperation anxiaty and the missus was attacked by one when the husband was away as he did most of the handling and training yet she fed them ...... you cant beat the bulls for a bit of heart and loyalty sure they would happily be fed and trianed by whoever like most lurchers but the dobermans never a safe dog....

Thats your opinion, Im ok with that, however I have been involved with them for 20yrs and I dont agree. They are a very "safe" dog if you want a loyal companion, that will guard you with his life, a Bull for me is totally useless and I wouldnt give one house room, doesnt mean other folk dont see them differently though. :)


Perosnally i wouldnt dream of crossing ANY breed with another, I think Greys, Saluki's, Beddies, etc and the terrier breeds can adequately do the jobs they were designed for without intervention of anything else! :D

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i had a pure dobi that would do anything you would expect a good bull cross to do..... he would also guard like his life depended on it, he was quieter than most bullx's i ve seen and his recall was top notch....... i fancy he was a one off :thumbs:



i have heard it all now,you must have seen some bad bullcrosses


ive seen some good ones (infcat some that a few hold in high regard)and had some good ones.....but in answer to your question.... yes ive seen LOTS of bad ones. i suppose it depends what you want from a bullx.... but as ive said he would do everything i would expect a bullx to do.


as for the hearing it all piss taking bit............ i think your an idiot :thumbs:


and i think your a clown to put a good bull cross in the same league as a doberman x greyhound


i would be..... but he wasent a x just straight dobi :) intrestly he had 2 litters, 2 of the dogs of seperate litters had the oppertunity to go to a similar type home, and although not used as much, would take foxes on the lamp and also draw when required... but neither had the same style or turn of speed.


many'a good dog has been discoverd by mistake!!


btw... for all you messers and dreamers, im in now way condoning the breeding of this cross.... for a start proper dobis and hard to find and secoundly i cant understand why anyone would want to do it.

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i would be..... but he wasent a x just straight dobi :) intrestly he had 2 litters, 2 of the dogs of seperate litters had the oppertunity to go to a similar type home, and although not used as much, would take foxes on the lamp and also draw when required... but neither had the same style or turn of speed.


many'a good dog has been discoverd by mistake!!


btw... for all you messers and dreamers, im in now way condoning the breeding of this cross.... for a start proper dobis and hard to find and secoundly i cant understand why anyone would want to do it.



Had a few dobes in my time as well and its just as Winky says..........Had a German/Dutch bred male, he was a bit of a weapon.

Lined a fairly decent English bred bitch and he threw some awsome pups........only ever did one litter.

I found that they tended to function better when in a one to one situation and could be trained and worked to a high degree.

When in a pack they were not as biddable...........just my findings.

The big male would have taken apart allmost any of the bull type dogs I have ever seen.

Great dogs and even better companions.


But as above, I can see no good reason why antone would want a cross from such a dog when the well established lurcher types do the job just fine and have been doing for many years.

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