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Quick look out

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Phone rang last nite " Are you coming out Ive just seen a fox whilst out for a walk with wor lass "


Never one to refuse an offer , my mate picked me up and we arrived on the shoot at about 8.30 pm.


We lay in wait in a set a side field below the gorse where the fox was spotted.


I called a few times but nothing showed except a few hares ambling about and a roe doe which unfortunately was not accompanied by a buck :(


As it was getting dark we entered the gorse field , my mate got set up on the sticks and I squeaked by hand for about 30 seconds ,suddenly I just saw a flash of orange through the grass , this dog cub hurtled in to 20 yards :gunsmilie:


Job sorted ..................



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Nice shooting mate :victory:


Are the sticks better than a bipod? I coulndt be arsed with having to lie for each shot. Rather sit or stand.



Bipod is best as you are a lot steadier but sticks are very valuable where theres a lot of cover .

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