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I have been trying to clean my brand new Sako 85 in (.243) barrel with "Patch Out" but I am struggling to get it totally clean.


The rifle is only one month old and in my enthusiasm on my first outing I fired around 30 rounds before cleaning it by soaking it with “Patch Out†for 24 hours. I then patched it through until the patches were clean & put it away.


On my next outing I had read their web site re breaking in a barrel and followed their instructions and fired 5 groups of 2, but cannot get a clean patch after soaking for 20 minutes between groups. I then tried soaking it for another 24 hours and spent a whole evening soaking and patching (Accelerator & Patch out) but after every soak the first patch always has some (quite a lot) of blue.


I have e mailed them for some guidance but just thought I'd ask you guys what you think in my impatience.


Can you suggest anything I can do, or am I now stuck with copper in my barrel?


Will I be able to start again and re break the barrel in or have I lost the opportunity by not doing it straight off?



Many thanks in advance

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Never used Patch Out but I suspect it is much the same as many other cleaners.


Breaking in a barrel is a very debatable subject and you will get a lot of opinions.


"Will I be able to start again and re break the barrel in or have I lost the opportunity by not doing it straight off?"


You already are doing it...breaking in a barrel is a combination of shooting and cleaning so you can't start again..you can continue in a different way and/or with different materials but you can never start again once you have started..


What is patch out? If it is still dirty I suggest it needs a more vigorous clean before wiping it through....SCRUB it ...unless it is very light rifling or not recommended, then use patches to finish!!

Edited by Deker
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breaking in the barrel, i always shoot one and clean for between 30 to 50 rounds, the .243 is a reasonably fast cartridge and a rapid build of of copper may form on a new barrrel so a good clean will be very necessary now..............i don't know of the patch out that you use but a solvent for carbon and powder would be a start. followed by forrest foam or similar, than a light coating of gun oil on a patch and run the process until the patch comes out clean...........................followed by a dry patch if not putting into storage or taking to the range...............this is just my cleaning regime........ :thumbs:

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I asked a similar question in Reloading, Optics, Ammunition & Accessories section (see below) as I have 2 new rifles and have been told about "running in new barrels" so I don't want to make any early mistakes. So if there is anyone who can give an informed procedure I am sure it will be of lasting interest on this forum. :gunsmilie:



I am relatively new to rifle shooting, but have shot and cleaned shotguns for some years. However, the cleaning of a rifle is a somewhat different process and I am looking for some tips.

I have read about bore guides; are they a necessary piece of cleaning kit?

Are there any special cleaning procedures for a new rifle, particulary in respect of the barrel?

Is there a universal cleaning kit available that will cope with several calibres and shotguns?

And are "bore snakes" an alternative cleaning tool?

Edited by Tungsten
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