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getting bit

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i used to have an Oscar fish that would jump out of its tank to have a nibble. i thought it was kinda funny lol

and my ducks will bite while hand feeding. doesnt hurt but i wouldnt let a kid do it.

also been pecked by angry chickens... and one pissed off nesting turkey. though being hit with her wings hurt more than the bite did lol left a bruise...

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Oh ya, forgot to add Blackfly and Deerfly to my list. When going "up north" to the cottage you often have to sacrifice a good bit of flesh to those buggers, never mind the mosquitos :censored: Full net gear required!

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  keg said:
i just wonderd whots the worst thing you have been bitten with i have been bit with fox and badger [france] it was fecking murder lets hear your tales



Four fecking rabid JRTs that belonged to a bloke who used to sell saddles and leather goods etc, went to buy a pair of boots off him and made the mistake of opening the gate that led into the courtyard where his stables were. A split second later I had four of the little feckers hanging off me savaging my legs/shins to shreds....hearing all the noise the old guy shouted at them and away round the corner they disapeared leaving me to tend my shredded shin bones and legs, still had to pay full price for my boots to add insult to injury....little tw*ts.

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  leegreen said:
Been bitten by a 60lb Staff x Wheaten in the thigh in a multi dog fight, been bitten by various small terriors mainly on the hands, my mums Elk Hound just below the eye(what a fecking grumpy dog), an old APBT of mine, couple of ferrets, Lizards, Snakes(non venomous), lots of birds including Parrots, Budgies, Swans, Geese, Ducks, Hearing Gull, Finches, Harris Hawk, Buzzard, Ostridge, Penquin, Cats, many rodents, my Son, my Misses, a couple of Girlfriends, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Camel, Cow, Pig, Pike, Cat fish, Eels, Ants, Mosquitoes, Beetles, Rag worm, nearly got bitten by a Seal (feeding it), more recently had my neighbours two Large Spaniels bite me seven times while stopping one of my dogs ragging one of them, I got bitten in the chest, arm, hands, inside thigh, nose and three stiches in my lip and they wanted me to pay for the two punchure holes in one of the dogs which the vet stiched and it caused an absess what a bunch of c--ts.

I think thats nearly it. :11:


You need to stay away from animals, mate. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:



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  craftycarper said:
  Kay said:
Oh i forgot i was bit on the breast by a horse when i was about 15 i was feeding it a bit of apple & it missed :laugh: i had a lovely bite shaped bruise there for ages :laugh:


yeah alright.....thats a first..breast feeding a horse....perv :tongue2:


Your the perv for thinking it pervvvv :laugh:

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My old westie(rip) locked onto my face when we first got him........got bit by a pig and a horse....and a blandford fly bit my foot that didnt hurt until about a week later and it then swelled up and made me unable to drive..........oh and a yorkie bit me at work.....was evil........lol

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My lurcher retrieved a hare many years ago live to hand,as i removed him from the dog he gripped my finger and held on for dear life,bloody hurt big time,but believe it or not i released him/her alive and well.took of like a rocket never to be seen again.

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  jigsaw said:
My lurcher retrieved a hare many years ago live to hand,as i removed him from the dog he gripped my finger and held on for dear life,bloody hurt big time,but believe it or not i released him/her alive and well.took of like a rocket never to be seen again.


I bet the poor thing was never the same again after that :laugh:

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My daughter's pony took a chunk out of my thigh the day we got him home, one of the racehorses and polo ponies have taken various chunks out of me over the years and Paris my bridle bitch bit me once but it was because i'd shoved my fist in her mouth to stop her killing next doors cat...

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  keg said:
some nasty bites there . this is not rearly a bite but i bet all you folconers can relate to this one i had a goshawlks talon under my thumb nail

ANYTHING under my thumbnail will just about reduce me to a puddle of tears on the floor..... i cant imagine a TALON!!

closest i got to that was my sisters guinea pig biting through my fingernail... this thread is bringing back all kinds of bad memories.... i got goosed once as well.. by a goose.. i was only three at the time.. hated geese ever since. :thumbdown:

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