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I can't comment on the Sweet 17, but I had a look through their 8-32 x44 the other day and I wasn't impressed. My Nikko has better optics. For the money, I'd go Nikko or Hawke.


However, I'd spend more money on better optics, without as much magnification. What will you use the 32x for?

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What do people think of BSA scopes? I was thinking of the BSA Platinum 8-32x 44mm or sweet 17.


Thanks in advance.

Dont bother mate.

pile of crap,go for a panther or essetial if any thing but i would have to agree with the above nikko or hawke.

32x will only be good for target ft kind of work, not hunting as field of view will be so small.

i have read that there is two versions of the scope you are talking about, one has big turrets the other smaller, one of them you can not re set the turrets and are known to have turret and range finding problems, the bigger turreted version if i am correct.

i have looked threw the smaller as i have super10 and wanted matching bsa scope but quality is not good and optics are milky when on full mag trying to range find.

to be honest i have a chinese 10-40x50 simular to nikko and jsr and it makes the bsa look pathetic even on night time its bright too.

i would really reconsider,expesialy if your not doing target work.

the panther and essential have had some brilliant reviews but i have not looked threw them, only looked threw the 8-32 and 6-24 small turreted versions.

i would put a post up for recommendation with your budget and see what people have to say, i for one have wasted a lot of money and simmons wtc and aetecs are the best budget "just my opinion that is"

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