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Diana 48/52 .22

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Since a couple weeks am the proud owner of the other German brand airgun, a second hand Diana 48/52 .22 and very happy with it! Loads of power (a real rabbit slayer :yes: ) and German craftsmanship.

I swapped it for my HW80 .177 becouse it was very hard to cock since I shortened the barrel :wallbash:

The Diana is much easyer to handle with the smooth sidelever, it is very very accurate (fixed barrel), shoots very hard, it weights the same but with more power then my HW80.22, and MUCH easyer to keep it on target. If you aim and pull the trigger, its down :bye:

Needles to say that I never touched the HW80.22 anymore, I ordered me a (long) .177 barrel for it, and gonna use it for birds and rat's.

My brother also buyed the .177 version of the Diana 48, and shoot pigeons with it at 60 yards without a problem, using H&N barracuda's, they all drop where they sit.

So, if you are looking for a hard hitting Fac spring-airrifle, give this rifle a chance, you're not gonna regret it.

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