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Peace from the kits!

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After worrying about my jill dragging her kits about, and separating her from them, I had a change of heart, and put her & the sire hob back in with the kits, after all they're nearly her size and have started to leg it away when she tries it on. The hob has been really good with the kits, he tried to mount a few of the young jills at first, but that quickly stopped.

The problem was, that the poor bugger couldn't get any peace from the kits. as soon as he flopped down for a sleep, the kits were all over his back, waking him up again.

I'd already put a hanging pot up in the court, another great idea I've pinched off a member on here, (cheers Sue! :laugh:) and I put some bedding in it.





It wasn't long before the jill cottoned on to him, and in she went as well!




The kits haven't quite worked out how to get in there yet, so they've got peace when they want it, for a few more days at least!

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