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Two legged fox

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hi there [bANNED TEXT],

there,s only one good fox, thats a dead un.


ho ho ho off foxing i must go!!!!


well chuffed you nailed the 2 legged !!!f----- !!!


rgds big dog fox. :good:



heads up, i smell a rat lol


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Any true hunter shows his quarry respect

In a couple of your posts you have said"only one good fox, thats a dead un" and I believe another one said "the only respect a bunny gets from me if it rips my hand is a lovebite on its throat from my polecat"


Do we need to post this? We all hunt and kill on this site but I like to think I treat all the animals I hunt with respect :yes:

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All depends on what your definition of respect is,I try my utmost to kill quarry as quickly and as painlessly as possable but on the other hand I give foxes as little sporting chance of getting away as possable where we have permission the only good fox is definatly a dead one.

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Guest Haggler
It is good that you got to the fox to end the suffering Wilky.I once shot a nice buck in the states and upon retrieving it found it only had 3 legs and another was broken for a long time hove pointing to the side and it was walking on the top of its ankle fur worn off and infected.Upon skinning the deer I found 5 diferent bullets lodged inside and healed over.I was glad to put the deer down,it really gave me a somber feeling to know what they go trough in their lives.



Worst I saw was a buck I shot that someone had blown the lower jaw off of a week or so earlier. Totally blown by the flies and seething with maggots, it was definately going to be a slow death. Nice sized 4 point too (that is an 8 point for you guys on the east coast) but I figured the meat would be fevered and just left him on ther hillside.



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Well done Wilky, :good: it's the side of hunting the f*****g anti's never listen to. :realmad: I don't go in for the bravado s**t meself,it's that kind of stuff that caused the ***.

I was out shooting rabbits wednesday night,i caught a fox and vixen arse to arse with the lamp.I got within 15 yards before they parted company but you should of seen and heard them trying to separate,vixen shot off but old Charlie could hardly walk lol.There isn't really a problem with the foxes on this bit of land so i didn't really have the heart to put the gun to use.Each to there own i spose.

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Wild animals never die in hospital beds with a morphine drip and soft music playing in the background. Vehicle impact, as Rudyard Kipling so famously wrote, is the true blood sport of the world (see: The Fox Meditates), followed by disease, starvation, infection, and parasites overwhelming the system. The best any fox, deer or rabbit can hope for is to meet an experienced hunter on its last day.


A solid :good: to the ethical hunters on this board who simply say what is right and who represent the best in the field.



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I once saw a pair of deer crossing a lane very late one night, as they did, one was in collision with a car.

We stopped to see if the people in the car were ok, the husband was quite shaken up and the woman was in a right state.

The deer that had been hit was laying in the hedge paralysed(spel?) but alive, its mate just would not leave it.

I said to the man to take his wife home and look after her and I would sort out the deer.

All I had was a large crow bar, as I went into the hedge the injured deer was now in quite a bad way, but still its mate would not leave it.

I approached the injured deer and was no more than a yard from the mate, we just looked at each other and , this is gonna sound wierd, for a split second it was just me and it,

It gave me a look that sort of said, you have an awsome responsabilitie here mate, do the right thing.

That has stayed with me for more than 9 years and still remember the look in that animals eyes.

I am sure there have been times when we all wish we had had a camera to point instead of a rifle or whatever.

Anyone who has a throw away attitude to quarry can never really grasp what all this is about.

Respect to all


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