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New to ferreting

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Hi guys wondering if anyone can help i want to start ferreting but don't have a clue where to start really i have ordered a book but as we all know you learn more from others and actually going out so really 2 questions.


1) what gear should i start getting


2) anyone fany a newbie tagging along one day to do some learning, i live in maidenhead berkshire

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Guest bigredbusa

im quite happy to take someone out but i live in cambridgeshire :(


you will need :





locator mk3 or locat8or etc..

flask of tea / slow gin :)

if there is two of you a broomstick is handy for carrying large bags.


make sure you net correctly and all holes and do it as quiet as possable , dont smoke or talk

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Guest smashygadge


10 nets minimum

spade light

couple off ferrets

and a rubber mallet

thats all i started with stick with nice open 3 / 5 holers you wont go wrong .


invest in bleeper when you no your staying in the sport as not a nassesaty for smaller sets. :thumbs:

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Before you spend a penny ,your doing the right thing by tagging along with folk and seeing what works in your part of the country .Folk will say you need x,y,and z when you could get away with using z .My opion go out enjoy yourself and have a wee think about what you saw being used before you spend a penny mate

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Hi guys wondering if anyone can help i want to start ferreting but don't have a clue where to start really i have ordered a book but as we all know you learn more from others and actually going out so really 2 questions.


1) what gear should i start getting


2) anyone fany a newbie tagging along one day to do some learning, i live in maidenhead berkshire


I'm sure that if you fill in your profile in you may get a little response to your request.

Do you have your own transport to get to a meeting point?.

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2) anyone fany a newbie tagging along one day to do some learning, i live in maidenhead berkshire


with all the single ferreting guys here, Id be careful if I were you mentioning "fany" :laugh::laugh:


Smutty boys are lonely boys stubby :laugh:

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um permission nope not yet thats another reason i want to tag along with someone else so i can get my learning done before going round nocking on farmers doors and there is alot round this way luckily

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the reason why i asked was that your only 10 miles from me & if you had your own permission i would shown you the ropes on your plot..


i just have to be careful now as to who i invite to my patches as a while back i invited a bloke down & he ended up back dooring me, luckily it was only on land that was for ratting & not rabbits, ratting is something ill never do again, but a lesson learnt, "once bitten twicw shy" .


personally if i was you, i would start knocking on doors now as getting permission is a very hard thing to do...


if you need any help in the future, give me a shout...



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i can understand where your coming from bud i didn't relise it was difficult to get permission but luckily i have cookham just next to me wich is mostly fields so hopefully should be ok when i know what i'm asking i have been told bits so far like say that your only taking ferrets and no dogs that should help apparently

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