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Hand Mincer

Guest Rabbiteer

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Guest Rabbiteer
  longdogrunner said:
Do you remember where you got it from was it new???



It was very new when I bought it from NorthernTool. Over all I found it to be a very good mincer and well worth anyones pennies. One of the guys on here did say the bolt on his handle snapped, he contacted the supplier and they sorted it within days.


Sorry to say,


As I said earlier in this thread FUBAR has asked to buy it.


All the best,



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Guest lurcherboy2008
  Rabbiteer said:


It has 32 stamped on the side of it if that helps. If I recall it was bought and delivered to the house for less than £45.




is there a website for the place you had it from? im looking for a mincer im definetly going to buy 1 just need to know where to buy them

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is there a website for the place you had it from? im looking for a mincer im definetly going to buy 1 just need to know where to buy them



  trappa said:
im looking too. Im wanting to start bunny burgers.



found 1s on ebay with number 32 on them theyre 15 quid 23 delivered (y)

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Guest Rabbiteer

Hiya guys,


I started an old thread a while back to see if anybody had one of these and if they were any good. If you look it up a few of the other guys added some of theres that they thought could do the job.


Should be able to get it if you type in "mincer" in the search box.


All the best,



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  fishfish said:
the number signifies the size,a number 8 isnt very big ,i have a porkert No 8 and its ok for sausage making but thats about it! a 32 is butchers size!

cheers fish. We will have burgers for tea!

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Guest Rabbiteer
  trappa said:
rabbiteer (or anyone) , is this size 32 a good allround size? its obviously a good size for rabbits but will it cut ok for burgers?? cheers


I use the larger plate when mincing chicken and rabbit. The smaller plate worked a treat when myself and ButchDingle minced some meat up for bunny burgers. You just need enough meat in it to push it through as it has such a large body/chamber.


If somebody wants it I do have a spares or repair Hobart A200 mincer/mixer..................You want it you can have it for free..........


All the best,



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Rabbiter, your a gentleman. I would have the mincer in a heartbeat but im not technically minded so i doubt i could repair it.

I hadnt thought about the body chamber size, thanks for that.

All the best, trappa

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