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greyhound bitch

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I never said that a German Shepard cross wasn't a good bit of breeding,As said previously im not in a situation to comment on this cross due to not working one myself or seeing/hearing of anyone working one.I was questioning the sale ability of the pups produced from this cross ;)

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i will agree on that mate, i would want the pups for hare and fox

i had the same problem myself a few years back an eventually decided to put a straight bedlingtonxgreyhound over her an get the 3/4 grey 1/4 beddie pups..just think of the beddie whippet cross you see..they turned out a bit bigger an a bit stronger...good on both hare an fox.... :good:

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hang & bang said:
put a mastiff over her like the last mateing ye did dickhead.



nearly pissed maself when i red that.


BIG BULL X in my opinion mate you need to calm down a bit youve had the dog a few days she wont even be settled you aint seen her work and your already talking about breeding her, even putting a greyhound over her mate come on the bitch aint even settled and you said youve just lost a dog and youve just shifted a pup? somethings not right

Edited by grant_c
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for f**k sake i am NOT breeding her how many more times it is a simple question, and as you have stated and i have said he offered me 2 grey dogs to put over it but i have basically said NO due to being stuck with the pups that would remain. + i have said i would rather breed lurcher to grey not grey to grey and was just asking what people would put over a grey bitch,purely out of interest, if i wanted to breed her i would but am not going to as i have stated several times she needsd to prove herself to me in the field

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Surely the questions you need to ask yourself are

1) Is the bitch worthy of breeding from?

2) What do I want the pups to do as this will have an effect on what stud you use

3) Do I really need to breed a litter?

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for f**k sake i am NOT breeding her how many more times it is a simple question, and as you have stated and i have said he offered me 2 grey dogs to put over it but i have basically said NO due to being stuck with the pups that would remain. + i have said i would rather breed lurcher to grey not grey to grey and was just asking what people would put over a grey bitch,purely out of interest, if i wanted to breed her i would but am not going to as i have stated several times she needsd to prove herself to me in the field


If she's a full grey what doe's she need to prove? she'll be more than a match for rabbits and take the occasional hare....was she a track dog? In my experience Greys have big hearts but they tend to take a lot of damage because they are so thin skinned. So whether or not she proves herself is really irrelivant if your going to breed from her any half x lurcher mating will produce a racy looking dog

more than capable of taking quarry whether the dam hunts or not. :icon_eek:

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put a mastiff over her like the last mateing ye did dickhead.



nearly pissed maself when i red that.


BIG BULL X in my opinion mate you need to calm down a bit youve had the dog a few days she wont even be settled you aint seen her work and your already talking about breeding her, even putting a greyhound over her mate come on the bitch aint even settled and you said youve just lost a dog and youve just shifted a pup? somethings not right mate sorry but its true i mean the guys gave you a dog, hes gonna have the stud dog but yet he said heel pay you for pups? sorry mate i never posted anything in your last topic but i think you tell a few porky pies first of all its a greyhound then smartly and swiftly the conversation swoops onto you wanting to put a lurcher over her and what dog we think you should use, give the dog a chance to settle in and prove herself if your that desprate for a lurcher theres plenty going about just now.


You seem to have a lot of dogs coming and going, I cant keep up anymore!




who seems to have a lot of dogs coming and going? that lad or me?

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put a mastiff over her like the last mateing ye did dickhead.



nearly pissed maself when i red that.


BIG BULL X in my opinion mate you need to calm down a bit youve had the dog a few days she wont even be settled you aint seen her work and your already talking about breeding her, even putting a greyhound over her mate come on the bitch aint even settled and you said youve just lost a dog and youve just shifted a pup? somethings not right mate sorry but its true i mean the guys gave you a dog, hes gonna have the stud dog but yet he said heel pay you for pups? sorry mate i never posted anything in your last topic but i think you tell a few porky pies first of all its a greyhound then smartly and swiftly the conversation swoops onto you wanting to put a lurcher over her and what dog we think you should use, give the dog a chance to settle in and prove herself if your that desprate for a lurcher theres plenty going about just now.


You seem to have a lot of dogs coming and going, I cant keep up anymore!




who seems to have a lot of dogs coming and going? that lad or me?


sorry :icon_redface: that lad, he's got yet another 'free to good home' going.




lol no problem.

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for f**k sake i am NOT breeding her how many more times it is a simple question, and as you have stated and i have said he offered me 2 grey dogs to put over it but i have basically said NO due to being stuck with the pups that would remain. + i have said i would rather breed lurcher to grey not grey to grey and was just asking what people would put over a grey bitch,purely out of interest, if i wanted to breed her i would but am not going to as i have stated several times she needsd to prove herself to me in the field


If she's a full grey what doe's she need to prove? she'll be more than a match for rabbits and take the occasional hare....was she a track dog? In my experience Greys have big hearts but they tend to take a lot of damage because they are so thin skinned. So whether or not she proves herself is really irrelivant if your going to breed from her any half x lurcher mating will produce a racy looking dog

more than capable of taking quarry whether the dam hunts or not. :icon_eek:

my grey bitch took a long time to get used to chasing live quarry :hunter: but she got there in the end :clapper: took a long time an a lot of" OOOHH NEARLY" before she eventually made a catch..even now she is still hit an miss on rabbits an hare.. :wallbash: as i have said before she is suitable for what i want from her an if she dont catch then it's not the end of the world ...only thing i cant get her to stop doin is gettin into top gear straight away(typical grey) which invariably leads to a few missed rabbits...if i were you i would seriously consider a straight greyXbeddie over your bitch..every time i see one of my bitches pups run an work they never fail to impress me...but i think i maybe viewing them through rose tinted glasses cause there from my bitch :whistling: but whatever way you decide to go a wish you all the best..(be intersested to know what you eventually go for) cheers big bull..chris

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