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greyhound bitch

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got my ex racer a couple of days ago and she started bleeding late last night, so i rang the guy i got her off and he has asked me to put another one of his greys over it, no stud fee and he will buy a couple of pups, but ill obviously be stuck with the rest! im not really interested in breeding her this soon after getting her but she has amazing breeding and racing figures behind her.. she was called DATONA DAZZLE out of TOP HONCHO and DATONA DESTINY

he has asked me to put either AMARILLO or TREMENDOUS SLIM over her....... but if i was going to breed her i would rather a lurcher.... what would you guys sugguest and what cross of lurcher

please note i dont intend on breeding her this fast this question is for future preferance only...and only if she makes the grade in the field.


cheers paul

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got my ex racer a couple of days ago and she started bleeding late last night, so i rang the guy i got her off and he has asked me to put another one of his greys over it, no stud fee and he will buy a couple of pups, but ill obviously be stuck with the rest! im not really interested in breeding her this soon after getting her but she has amazing breeding and racing figures behind her.. she was called DATONA DAZZLE out of TOP HONCHO and DATONA DESTINY

he has asked me to put either AMARILLO or TREMENDOUS SLIM over her....... but if i was going to breed her i would rather a lurcher.... what would you guys sugguest and what cross of lurcher

please note i dont intend on breeding her this fast this question is for future preferance only...and only if she makes the grade in the field.


cheers paul



In my opinion Amarillo slim would be a bit close as his dam is a daughter of Top Honcho thereby giving you a 3x2 of top honcho




and although she was a fair bitch she was no world beater and there are breeders with pups from much better bitches struggling to sell the pups

Edited by Chaz
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In my opinion Amarillo slim would be a bit close as his dam is a daughter of Top Honcho thereby giving you a 3x2 of top honcho


and although she was a fair bitch she was no world beater and there are breeders with pups from much better bitches struggling to sell the pups



They are just keen to get pups on the ground from their dog i suppose so a bitch they have just homed is a conveinient option.

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as i have said at beginning of post i dont want to breed her was just a question so open your eyes people and what has the post about feet got to do with a question on breeding????this site it gets better and better...........

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Guest smashygadge
sorry hang and bang i didnt put a mastiff over anything the guy i bought my bitch off did i put a grey over a 3/8 grey 5/8 mastiff you prick grow up and get a workin dog or f**k off this site



hey bud i have a greyhound bitch i wouldnt breed back to another greyhound

working now only best on the dog.im doing a collie x over my bitch best off luck.

oh and i would get her working as much as you can prior good luck :victory:

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sorry hang and bang i didnt put a mastiff over anything the guy i bought my bitch off did i put a grey over a 3/8 grey 5/8 mastiff you prick grow up and get a workin dog or f**k off this site




a mastiff is not a working dog and ye put it into your breeding , causeing more unwanted lurchers

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Guest smashygadge
thats my intention S G as i have said its just a question for a bit of info



awh dont get me wrong i intend doing a line myself she has turned out a great working greyhound.and to be honest alot happier than when i got her.i think their worth more than another line of greys .much better back to a good lurcher and a much better life in the long run.theirs too many greys getting a rough ride nowadays if i had room i would have loads just to give them a better end to their start. :victory:

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Theres a handful of sight hounds/lurcher's you could put over her,,what will the pups be worked on?? are you wanting to produce a fox dog,hare dog or an all rounder??????I would personally go for a well known cross,this way you should have no problem selling the pups on,Id Stay away from any new crosses such as German Shepard greyhounds etc etc,Im not saying German Shepard greyhounds are bad,as i couldn't really comment as Ive never seen one actually work.But sale able for a fair price,Im not so sure?I remember a good while back seeing this cross advertised in the countryman's weekly for a crazy amount of money if they sold or not thats another question? :thumbs:

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Guest smashygadge
Theres a handful of sight hounds/lurcher's you could put over her,,what will the pups be worked on?? are you wanting to produce a fox dog,hare dog or an all rounder??????I would personally go for a well known cross,this way you should have no problem selling the pups on,Id Stay away from any new crosses such as German Shepard greyhounds etc etc,Im not saying German Shepard greyhounds are bad,as i couldn't really comment as Ive never seen one actually work.But sale able for a fair price,Im not so sure?I remember a good while back seeing this cross advertised in the countryman's weekly for a crazy amount of money if they sold or not thats another question? :thumbs:


funny that i no a man who said he ran a german sheperd x greyhound many years ago

he was from the north east area and said it was a very good bit of breeding :victory:

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If you have a good greyhound bitch and by that i mean one that works well and is constitutionaly sound then the choice really is what do you want the offspring to do. The permetations are endless Saluki, Saluki/Greyhound, Whippet, Whippet/Greyhound, etc all down to what you want really. However if the bitch comes up short in any dept i wouldnt bother breeding from her as i am sure you will agree.

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