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  Timid Toad said:


just wondered if anyone had seen this site and some of the rubbish they put on there


I love the bit were they say "if you see anyone with camoflage gear on" report them to the police...kinda defeats the purpose of camo gear dont it :laugh:

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I know this is going to be a shock to most of you, and it was for me too, but that, oh! so informative and factual site used to be a childrens TV show called Jackanory. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

'F' uck me, anyone carrying a spade and wearing cammo during the day!!!!!!!!!!! well that's me guilty then. :victory:

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you all have to remember thats its sites like this that they get some of there information from and sites like these that they get alot of there pictures from so think before you post certain things.

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