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Guest The Big Fish
  Missie said:
I have loads of songs that are special for various reasons.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKUVjwdIWBk This one will always have meaning but there are too many to really narrow down.



Now that reminds me of my youth :laugh:


Interesting, other peoples tastes and interests in different music, i have to confess to being a little more classical than most, so wont bore you with any entrys from my favourites, but they are great :laugh:

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  Simoman said:
Distant memory, it wasn't that long ago :whistling: How old are you? I'm 34 and grew up with cassettes............ :D


I'm not quite 27 and grew up with cassettes too, they weren't that long ago. :laugh: My first car had a cassette player for ages until I put a cd player in it.

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Guest foxyjo.

Adam R - please can you say who that is - it's magic.


Ok, here are a couple more of mine, getting wildly sentimental now, gonna end up blubbing!


This was used on the cadbury's advert when my baby, Henry, was born. His Dad, sat there with us in hospital an it played, and I thought everything would be ok. Afterwards it always reminded me of Henry arriving and how close I came to losing him. My brother bought me the album and I listened to this song, all the words, and my god, no song has ever summed up the situation so aptly.




This reminds me of my brother, off to dangerous lands. The strongest, the best, the bravest, and oh how I loves him and wish he would stay home.


Edited by foxyjo.
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Guest G.Mac

Some good'uns there,Luke Kelly will never be replaced RIP

He's the all time ballad singer in my eyes.

Adam like the ould Christy fella myself but that 1st choice I think you are spending too much time

up in the Glass ha ha.

Has haystacks and Micky G been taking you out for a spin at night with them for a bit of hunting down the hoods ha ha.

Better watch yourself up there, they'll have you lamping the joyriders next with the dogs. :gunsmilie:

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