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Its got nothing to do with all being part of a paticular religion........simply that it would be a better place if more folk lived there life by christian/muslim/zen or whatever values.


Dont mean you have to join the club......... :doh:



Indeed, in fact in some fairly not so distant circles, you and I with our versions of a similar religion, at least with the same basic belief (except the transubstantiation bit!) have spent the last few hundred years murdering each other.


I don't think the KKK were too keen on RC's though!




Foxyjo, is there a point to your posts?

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I am a Roman Catholic and I bring my kids up that way, but I am not blind and see all the faults with the organised, money making side of religion........


IMHO, a mans church is in his heart.

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Personally i cant see any link between politics and religion....anymore than i can see a link between hunting and racism,like a few posts ive read on here have suggested.....the mere fact that people on here may occasionally discuss the downfalls of the english nation has nothing to do with hunting so why a few folk seem to whinge about being labelled as a racist because they go on a hunting website is beyond me !

When it comes to England i put more value in tradition than who people call god....we have a very long tradition in this country that is being wiped out over the course of 1 generation,our generation......and we are all supposed to sit quietly and accept it as " multicultural britain " ?...well fxxk that.....if an englishman in england cant stand up and say he doesnt like something without being labelled a racist,then who really gives a flying bollock about how some folk want to interpret the word " racist "

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Just having a conversation with my mate on msn about when we turn 18 who were gonna vote for with both said BNP to start with but im not to sure becuase you get put on some type of record as a RACISTS but im not i just want the best for my country and some of there views are dam well to the point and right, who would you vote for..?


Dont be changed by what others think, otherwise you'll never get what you want :victory:



Well said.... :thumbs:

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Am I gonna get a backlash here??? I cant vote for the British National Party :whistling: cos I is Scottish ( even been described as a porridge wog by some of my dearest friends in Englandshire) Och aye the nooo!! :thumbs::tongue2::tongue2:



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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Personally i cant see any link between politics and religion....anymore than i can see a link between hunting and racism,like a few posts ive read on here have suggested.....the mere fact that people on here may occasionally discuss the downfalls of the english nation has nothing to do with hunting so why a few folk seem to whinge about being labelled as a racist because they go on a hunting website is beyond me !

When it comes to England i put more value in tradition than who people call god....we have a very long tradition in this country that is being wiped out over the course of 1 generation,our generation......and we are all supposed to sit quietly and accept it as " multicultural britain " ?...well fxxk that.....if an englishman in england cant stand up and say he doesnt like something without being labelled a racist,then who really gives a flying bollock about how some folk want to interpret the word " racist "


Its one thing to mourn the downfall of one's nation or culture and another to blame it on another race. Yeah It's ok to be proud of who you are but totally wrong to blame the erosion of this countries values on Muslims, Blacks or any other race for that matter. Ask yourself this who is to blame for the lack of morality and ethics in todays society. We have the highest rate of teenage pregnancies, unmarried mothers, Binge Drinking, knife crime, in some parts of the North they have the lowest life expectancy in Europe. Gone are the days of full employment when kids left school and walked into a job, this is where they learned the rules and respect for their elders. This "right of passage" has all but gone now and we have some families that have had generations of being on benefits and the dole and think theyre owed a living by the state. Succesive goverments have done nothing to help the situation and began with Thatchers destruction of all our Heavy Industries such as Coal, Steel and Shipbuilding to name but a few. All the Powerfull Unions are now paper tigers and toothless. So while we sit around looking for convienient hooks on which to lay the blame the real culprits move among us slowly eroding more and more of our civil liberties and we sit and take it on the chin cause thats the "British" way. Whats really killing this country is our apathy to whats really going on around us. How do you think the Americans would have reacted to a hunting ban? or the French for that matter,now theres a race that know how to protest. :victory:

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Whats really killing this country is our apathy to whats really going on around us. How do you think the Americans would have reacted to a hunting ban? or the French for that matter,now theres a race that know how to protest. :victory:


I agree, apathy is the biggest killer of our liberty...............................

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Why look up the word british when I don't consider myself Briitish I'm a Scot first and foremost with a proud family and clan history (CAMERON):thumbs: who's ancestors were transported and some instances murdered for the wearing of their tradional dress and clan tartans, banned from speaking their native tongue (by a British government) The Scots Gaelic language is still not recognised by the british government to this very day :censored: and yet the welsh language has legal parity with english, I also would not stand up for a british national anthem that in its 6th verse describes crushing rebellious scots. Instead of me looking up the word British I suggest as a Scot you read some history re:our own country and its people!!!





Would any scot in their right mind stand to attention to this while its still part of the British National Anthem? The little-known and even less-sung sixth verse of God Save the Queen implores God to come to the aid of Marshal George Wade, who was sent to quell rebellious Scottish highlanders in the wake of the Jacobite rising of 1715.


It says: "May he sedition hush, And like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush."






Am I gonna get a backlash here??? I cant vote for the British National Party :whistling: cos I is Scottish och aye!! :thumbs::tongue2::tongue2:




I think you should look up the word "BRITISH"

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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Why look up the word british when I don't consider myself Briitish I'm a Scot first and foremost :thumbs: who's ancestors were transported for the wearing of their tradional dress, banned from speaking their native tongue (by a British government) The Scots Gaelic language is still not recognised by the british government to this very day :censored: and yet the welsh language has legal parity with english, I also would not stand up for a british national anthem that in its 6th verse describes crushing rebellious scots. Instead of me looking up the word British I suggest as a Scot you read some history re:our own country and its people!!!





Would any scot in their right mind stand to attention to this while its still part of the British National Anthem? The little-known and even less-sung sixth verse of God Save the Queen implores God to come to the aid of Marshal George Wade, who was sent to quell rebellious Scottish highlanders in the wake of the Jacobite rising of 1715.


It says: "May he sedition hush, And like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush."






Am I gonna get a backlash here??? I cant vote for the British National Party :whistling: cos I is Scottish och aye!! :thumbs::tongue2::tongue2:




I think you should look up the word "BRITISH"


Feel better getting that off your chest?


I care not a jot about marshall wade.Got more worries with fanatical muslims than living in the past.


I do not a bit about Scottish history.One thing i do know is that there were more Scots fighting Scots at culloden than there was English.It was also King Billy who signed the order for the Highland clearances carried out by no less than "SCOTS".

Well im scottish but class myself British.As for the native tongue i think you will find that it was never spoken in the lowlands.

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