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Ex or serving Paras

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top stuff stiffmiester........... there is nowt better than someone with a passion for their work, especailly not when its the work you do.

stiffmiesters main job is being the company shag piece

thats when the black marine whos his boy friend lets him out tfor others to felch !!!!!!!!!1


gimpy looking arse bandit ...whos dogs have a liking for mutton!


keep your head down and ill see you when your home messer!!!!!!!!!

yis fellman

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Why not join as a junior entry..Do a years basic training on army wages better than civvie street pal, Then attach to engineers, learn a trade from them then volunteer for P company with 9 para squadron RE who are the only squadron left from Market Garden and were still in existance when the Para reg were disbanded after WW2 ...

In the airborne engineers you get trade pay, Jumps pay and if your switched on enough , combat divers pay which starts off at around £4000 extra per annum

Or you could join reg, Get treated like a c**t, paid accordingly, stag on and sign off after 4 years....


But Then again, wearing maroon isnt about the money, Its the pride..


Dont build up, stay lean and run like the wind..And man up..Basically if you let things like twisted ankles, Bleeding hands , skin hanging off your feet bottoms and being sick in your mouth twice a day bother you, then the airborne isnt for you..


Green on, Go :gunsmilie:


THE STIFFMEISTER is talking good sense mate,did 16 in the Regt. no trade. came out and had to start again.

It's hard work mate but something you will be proud of.

All the very best P1. :victory:

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hey mate i joined the army at 16, 27 now and still in. Personaly i would wait till your 21ish, have some civy life first, I like what i do, it sucks at times like all jobs do.


Just keep your fitness up, be prepaired to take a lot of bulshit, and most of all enjoy it, i remember my infrantry training and just kept saying to my self no matter how hard it is no matter how evil the instructors are, they cant make me pregnant lol.

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most parras are on active service at moment :whistling::whistling:



Yes Polecat WE are... Although it truly is amazing where computers can be taken..


The marines..Yeah good unit, Tough course..but again, Just an infantry unit and I wouldnt recommend that for anyone..Everyday the same, Massive high turnaround of blokes who are pissed off..But you choose your job at the end of the day..

you must be in bastion them stiffmister ? :censored::censored:

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No Polecat, Was there to begin with and have been there a few times..seeing as it is the uks base in Afghanistan , pretty unavoidable wouldnt you think???..Most FOBS have computer terminals , laptops sattellite phones.....Your girlfriend not been ringing home then???? oh dear

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hey mate i joined the army at 16, 27 now and still in. Personaly i would wait till your 21ish, have some civy life first, I like what i do, it sucks at times like all jobs do.


Just keep your fitness up, be prepaired to take a lot of bulshit, and most of all enjoy it, i remember my infrantry training and just kept saying to my self no matter how hard it is no matter how evil the instructors are, they cant make me pregnant lol.


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