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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That's an AM rig, man! :laugh: Good god, that might even be the self same Midland I started off with! Then I went to something like a " Ham Major ", was it? I could 'Kick It to FM', 'Hit High and Low' too. Funny thing was, when ever ye copied a break on low, ye tended to feel claustrophobic! Always had that nerve end feeling of being scrunched down. Lowered ye voice too. Weird shit! :laugh:


Low was my favourite. So few down there but the range and clarity, when ye found them, was great.


That Squelch knob there is for cutting out the white noise of static. Get the rig on and she'll likely his and roar with static. Just turn the squelch up till it stops.


Stubbie's dead right about the dustbin lid too! LMAO! I'd forgotten about that shit! Proper bed sit treatment! F*cks me; I had a Shakespear Self SWR'd mast outside my window! Huge, white thing. Looked like a f*cking beach caster! :notworthy:


Anyway, this is Ditch Shitter; 10 - 20 'The Bog on the Big Green.' Nice to Copy you Breakers. Keep ye shiny side up and ye rusty side down, lads. We up, we down, we gone! 10 - 10!



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I'm imagining not, mate. It was always illegal but, about twenty five years ago now, they brought in that FM crap and everyone stopped using AM. But then they found FM was complete arse and just gave up altogether. That's the last I heard of it. I guess now we use pc's much as we used to our cb's; Social life from ones chair.


Go to all the trouble of getting that thing firing? Ye'll probably feel like ye've just hacked ye way into an empty forum. Sitting there, saying " 1 - 9 for a copy? ..... Am I getting out? ". And listening to a slightly sinister silence coming back at ye.


I suspect ye'll be trying to copy the dead, mate :(

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get an orbiter ariel 15 quid , and they are self SWRing so no need to borrow/buy a SWR meter .


can get one of these from most big service stations or truck stops

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the stamp on the front top left corner.......cb 27/81......this is the stamp that tells the authorities that it is a legal FM unit!!!


and no a car aerial is no good.....has to be a cb one.


range is 20-30 miles ish depends on conditions and location.


i used to have a set up at home with a 20ft silver rod homebase twig.........and regulary talked to people in the isle of man. (approx 70/80 miles as the radio waves fly).


had one set up about two years ago....and was mainly truckers using it.


good luck with it




have a look here butch.....



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Guest bigredbusa

get a rubber duck big buddy , try 40 on the wally channel if not push the pedal to the metal and hit a car boot , this is buck rodgers signing off ....... OVER

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get a rubber duck big buddy , try 40 on the wally channel if not push the pedal to the metal and hit a car boot , this is buck rodgers signing off ....... OVER



get yourself one of the big!! 20ft plus airiels, mount that to a scaffold pole you'll be amazed how far you can reach,

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:wallbash: F*ck it! The corner of my eye was drawn again and again to that damn stamp! Cheers, Sean! Your memory's obviously clearer than mine, mate :good:


Ok, Buckist; Higher ye can get what ever twig ye use, the better ye reception. Get it up on top of a three story house and ye'll be able to interfere with peoples tv sets for streets around! :laugh:


Then get some Boots and Burners and a good Power Mike. Put a transmission light on top of that twig and make sure it's on the street side of the house too. Then give plenty of clues as to ye very close '20 :yes:


In next to no time, ye'll be meeting an interesting cross section of local people ye'd never noticed before. Much more fun than sitting there, listening to someone elses choice in music or a load of stupid f*cking kids! :laugh:



Seriously though; Did anyone ever find that FM shit any good?

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Does anyone still do this CB s*it?? get a mobile for god’s sake. I thought CB had died a well deserved death thirty years ago. I had one for a short time thirty years ago but got p*ssed off with all the knobs who tried to speak with a Yankee accent, and all that 10/4 good buddy crap really got me angry.

Rob.......not into CB

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