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Jolly interesting post. Could run n run.. Did'nt realise some BT's had Weinemarer blood in them .If that is true ---(and I know sweet Fanny Adams about BT's )--- just to add a new dimension to the discussion, some strains of Weinermarer are long-haired.

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  comanche said:
Jolly interesting post. Could run n run.. Did'nt realise some BT's had Weinemarer blood in them .If that is true ---(and I know sweet Fanny Adams about BT's )--- just to add a new dimension to the discussion, some strains of Weinermarer are long-haired.

Weimaraners carry the long haired gene, its not some "strains" it IS the same breed, they can be produced in almost any kennel with the right breeding.

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  Dawn B said:
  comanche said:
Jolly interesting post. Could run n run.. Did'nt realise some BT's had Weinemarer blood in them .If that is true ---(and I know sweet Fanny Adams about BT's )--- just to add a new dimension to the discussion, some strains of Weinermarer are long-haired.

Weimaraners carry the long haired gene, its not some "strains" it IS the same breed, they can be produced in almost any kennel with the right breeding.


They breed pretty true .Guy on my old Shoot used to breed and work only the long-haired ones .He reckoned they had a different temperament too .That might have been due to his selective breeding though. A lady picker-up favoured them over the smooth temperament -wise . I never even suggested they were a separate breed so I wonder why you raise the point? This is about the guy's mystery pup and i was only making a passing suggestion.Sorry if my( percieved ) misuse of the word "strain" has caused offence. :thumbs:

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  • 1 year later...

my mate used to race greyhounds , and some he bought from ireland had very thick coats , and funnily enough they were all long distance dogs , wich makes me think the irish lads bred a bit of saluki into the mix unoficially to add stamina , and maybe its a throwback to that , i know this happens because ive seen lads cross whippet to greyhounds then cross it right back out to add early pace atb mr poach

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  Billie-Boy said:
  cocker said:
believe me billy boy is right


billy boy, up untill last year my mate had a bitch which looked just like that one you have there, he got her at eight weeks old off another friend of ours who actually bred the litter, the father was a bull (proper type) red and white dog, we know all of its breeding going back years, the bitch was pure greyhound, with all relevant paperwork we also know quite a bit about her breeding, the bitch had never been mated before and was penned on its own, always.


there were 4 pups in the litter and 3 looked like you would expect out of this first cross mating, they looked like bull greyhounds should,


however the thing that my mate got was a right ugly thing it looked just like a little mongrel, it had long thick hair, and it grew up to be a horrible little fat mongrel looking thing which was no good for anything you would never in a million years have called it a lurcher, it looked like a golden retriever x mongrel, i have never known anything like it untill reading your post.


We shall hang on to him and see how he developes, see if he does out to be a mongrel looking thing that is fit for naff all, :thumbs:

but i will post more pics on as he grows,

Its got everyone talking round here, its just something unexplainable.. :blink::blink:

hi lads and lasses maybe malumite\husky :icon_eek::icon_eek:

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  Bryan said:
how did the ugly little thing turn out???


Sadly he was put to sleep last november,

the vet said it was the best thing to do as his brain was sending the wrong messages to his body,

thats why he was spinning and falling off his feet often,

and he was not growing as he should of been ,

he was 8 months old, and it was pretty sad as tha family got quite attatched,

the cause was due to inbreeding over the years,


out of the litter of seven , three of the pups were put to sleep,

3 are good strong normal working bullx dogs all doing well, fine and healthy

and one is just a pet,,,

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