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mk2 ferret finder

Guest fight the ban

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this is only what Ive been told, but by all accounts the mk2 was the prototype for the mk3 and they brought out the mk3 quite soon afterwards, having fixed any glitches, having said that, its still a finder, barring the fact it has no squelcth dial on the back, if you havent got a finder, and this mk2 has come along cheap, its got to be better than nothing

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iv got one but its only used this time of year when theres young rabbits, it locates them fine but dont trust the depth thing on them iv found with mine it will say between 4 and 6 feet and after cutting the turf off the ferrets not even a shovel depth down


also its a pain in the arse to get collers for them because im sure deben stopped making them and iv never found anyone selling any

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Right i have been reading about the mrk 2 and 3 they say they look the same.The thing is i have one its is grey not got a squelch button but it defo says ferret finder 3.Im confused cz they say the mark 2 had no squelch.It seems to work ok although i have never tried it in the field yet.

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Guest fight the ban
i have a chance of buying a mk2 ferret finder, im just wondering what there like compared to the mk1 and mk3 wich i have used before.


thanks F .T. B



Whats the Guy asking for it? :hmm:



£50 new

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