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Putting new Kits,with older ferrets

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Depends... How old are the kits?


I woulden't put any young kits together with an adult intact hob in season, who's only thinking of one thing. The kits are simply to small to fight back.

But else try, and see how it goes. If the kits get beaten up and the adults use them for chewytoys, then wait until the kits are a little bigger and can stand up for themselves.


It's really... Mm.. Difficualt to say how it will go. Cause ferrets have different reactions. Some it takes 2 mins to bring together, others never will and has "homicide" written in their eyes. But make sure that you keep watching them together, it happens that there goes ½ hour and then the beating starts.


My "rules" are; as long as there aren't any blood, they will figure it out themselves. But this goes to putting 2 adults together. With kits, you have to be more carefull.

(does this make any sence? :huh: )

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Stubby - it's nice to be back also... :)


Michael - you can swap bedding materiel as well. So they get used to each others smell. And while putting them together give som nice meat or treats - keep them happy you know.. ;)

Edited by Julia
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If your kitts where old enough to remove from the jill 10/12 weeks the should be old enough to move out the road and look after themselves .Folk keep asking this question and young kitts need to settle in the pecking order and

unluckly for them its going to be at the bottom of the pile ,so they will be picked on what ever you do

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i have got an 8 week old kit and 3 adults, i've had her for a week on friday and i introduced them slowly, on the first day i let 1 ferret at a time into the kitchen to check each other out...after meeting all 3 ferrets i put her in the outhouse to meet them all at the same time and 1 of the hobs was a little rough with her but she didnt seem to mind and she kept going back and jumping on him and trying to get his attention again asking for more rough play i suppose...then i just let her play with them longer and longer each day, but always with me supervising..today they all had a good but quite rough play outside and she was eating out of the same bowl and then they all fell asleep together for the first time..so all is good so far

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Put the three kits with my two older jills yesterday,sat with them for an hour or so and all fine.One of the older jills has decided to mother them so all ok so far.had the two older jills jabbed a couple of weeks ago and since i moved them into their new court they have not slept together,but since i introduced the kits they all snuggled down together again.I think the jill that is mothering the kits was trying to do them same with her friend and this was driving her mad.Hopefully all is well.

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  michael flatters said:
Put the three kits with my two older jills yesterday,sat with them for an hour or so and all fine.One of the older jills has decided to mother them so all ok so far.had the two older jills jabbed a couple of weeks ago and since i moved them into their new court they have not slept together,but since i introduced the kits they all snuggled down together again.I think the jill that is mothering the kits was trying to do them same with her friend and this was driving her mad.Hopefully all is well.




i,ve got my jill and kit together as we speak..(type)...just trying to tire her out abit cos shes a right handfull!!

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  michael flatters said:
Put the three kits with my two older jills yesterday,sat with them for an hour or so and all fine.One of the older jills has decided to mother them so all ok so far.had the two older jills jabbed a couple of weeks ago and since i moved them into their new court they have not slept together,but since i introduced the kits they all snuggled down together again.I think the jill that is mothering the kits was trying to do them same with her friend and this was driving her mad.Hopefully all is well.


:victory: Great...! Congrats with your new and bigger ferret-gang.

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