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spinning traces!

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Same as rabbit snares Maty,brass eyelet,2 strands of spun wire,tie it onto the top of the rod,I dont really need to snare trout maty as I proved to myself earlier today :D;):yes:

Edited by mackem
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As soon as he buys it,it really would make for some very interesting footage,I was VERY impressed this morning,normally fishing equipment doesnt really impress me,its functional and has a use end of,but earlier today when I got into the water,it was like a revelation :yes:;)

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I MORE than like it,in fact I want JOE to come over tomorrow night with his nice expensive camera for a Chubbing session :yes: I will even buy the bait,the pictures should be good as there are some really nice fish in there from what I saw earlier :yes:

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JOE just phoned me MATY,he is coming for a chubbing session on the thames tomorrow night,methinks a visit to MACRO is in order for an industrial sized tin of sweetcorn,watch out for his pics on saturday,thats assuming we actually catch something for a change :icon_redface:

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I will be in MACRO tommorrow and get a 1kg tin,JOE says he cant stay for more than an hour tomorrow night sadly,but I am sure he will take a pic of whatever we catch in an hour :D Might even take a few spinners,see if we can pike up a jack :yes:

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